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harrassed senior

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Posts posted by harrassed senior

  1. My daughter is going through all her benefits being stopped and then re-instated as she claimed incorrectly, she was/is entitled but did 'something' the wrong way.


    She is being stopped huge amounts of Tax Credits as well as high amounts of housing benefit and income support.


    Are there any proper prescribed upper/lower limits, or time scales as added altogether the amount she is being 'stopped' is almost half of her total income.


    We have tried CAB but they don't make appointments anymore and the waiting times are horrendous.

  2. I must admit that at the time I started this thread, their delivery service was not all that could be desired. I did make a formal complaint which was dealt with, if not to my satisfaction. It was around the Christmas season and this was used as an excuse, but they did not charge me for setting up another time and date, that would only be if you required a set delivery time slot.

  3. I have had similar problems over the years with Scottish Electric. They are still trying to tell me that even though all of my night storage heaters are switch off at this time of year, my meter reading is increasing on a daily basis - they are trying to tell me this is 'normal' well, as 'normal' I will not pay this part of the bill this time. Why is it that as a consumer which we all are to some degree or another, we automatically tell lies!!


    Keep up the fight BB

  4. Having recently been sent correspondence for a 'free' upgrade for my Sky HD+ box, I was shocked to receive their confirmation adding £99 to my bill for this 'free' item.


    I telephoned Sky and, after a long wait on the telephone, was greeted with (after I explained) a mumbled 'Oh dear I wish they would put this right' and then a response to me telling me that Sky has used an old template and sent out hundreds of these letters. I was assured I would not be charged £99.


    So, my dilemma is this, having been with Sky for many years I am aware of their practices. I am worried they will take the £99 on my next billing date, and then take months' to make a refund because of 'their Admin. error'.


    Should I cancel my DD and set up another later on when this problem is actually sorted out?

  5. Hi, condolences for your loss, but I believe the title may now be wrong?


    Practically speaking, who was the next of kin to your sons' father, I assume that as he was responsible for this expense, then it was he.


    Was your son in receipt of any benefits, and did he make all of the arrangements and agree the cost.


    There are benefits/payments which are claimable at the time of a death for the next of kin.


    Reading this will help: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/ManagingDebt/DebtsAndArrears/DG_10013093


    My advice would be to stop all correspondence and insist that all contact is now in writing only. Certainly do not believe all you have been told.


    As above, there is help available from members of CAG who I am sure will be able to offer further advice.


    One thing I would say is this, assuming that in the end it is proved who has the 'right' to collect, then all that is payable is the original amount of the cost of the funeral and other expenses and nothing more.


    If your son can offer and maintain a regular payment which is affordable to him, then make that in writing and stick to it. You will be told all kinds of lies about it not being 'acceptable' but in these sad circumstances and given the nature of the alleged debt, no Court is going to 'come down heavy on your son' as he is making regular payments, but I really honestly think that this will go nowhere near a Court.

  6. oops, sorry to re=post, it was in, I believe, the Daily Mail this week, and I didn't realise it was 'old news'. I must agree with others that this is getting more like the 'old' Russia, perhaps we should now stop claiming of buying anything, it is a definite return to the 'olden days', many of us odies, and, I suspect not so oldies, have already returned to keeping any spare cash under the mattress and dealing as little as possible with banks.


    I do not condone any type of 'fraud', but my dealings with HMRC on behalf of my sister have left me in a state of dis belief at the system as a whole. After many, many hours of research I have found hidden away in the depth of the .gov.uk website the piece of information that I needed to 'prove' what I had said all along and after having been ignored by the Pension Service, had the 'phone put down on me by them also because I insisted I was right and they were wrong, I finally got them to admit that the piece of information I had found was completely unknown to anyone at the Pension Service!! but it has proved that we (my sister and I) were right all along and her pension and pension credit have been incorrect for nearly 5 years!!


    So what hope is there for any information 'they think' they have uncovered to not automatically put those people in a potentially distressing position?

  7. Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere or previously, so here goes.


    The likes of DWP: Housing Benefit: Council Tax Benefit and similar are to trawl through CRA files with no other reason than to find those co-habiting. Their statement ran along the lines of:


    If you apply for a benefit as a single person, then someone else either already lives at that address, or moves in and then seeks credit a new 'link' is being marked up so that these people can be caught out when making fraudulent claims!


    It is also to be used against pensioners claiming they have less in savings than in reality.


    I personally am going to complain to the ICO because surely this was never the reasoning when setting up CRAs.

  8. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it will take at least 6 years to get your credit rating back to 'excellent'. Once you have defaults on your files they stay there for 6 years, whether you pay up, settle up whatever, and even if they are so marked, they would count against you until they dissapear. Even if you make it a condition of your F & F offer of £1000 that the default is removed, I doubt very much if they would agree.


    You really do not need to put yourself in more debt with another credit card by trying to make an F & F.


    I would suggest sending a CCA request for this current card, and, as said above, it may prove that they do not have an enforceable agreement.



  9. With regard to the 2 CRA entries, the OC has now Assigned the debt, so presumably has closed your files and marked as settled. A second CRA entry will then be put up for the same debt but by the Assignee, but it should contain all of the same information ie Default and Start dates as the original entry from the OC. What is confusing though, is if this has happened, why is the OC still accepting payments?

  10. When a debt is sold on, this reverts automatically to clear on the Original creditors records because as far as they are concerned, the debt is no longer their property so you owe them nothing.


    If you have an entry on your Credit Files, then this will be taken over by the DCA as owners.


    You have a Notice of Assignment, and you should receive annual Statements from the DCA (free of any charge).


    Is the CCA you have enforceable?

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