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Everything posted by manxer

  1. cheers b4e, it's frustrating not knowing which way to turn!
  2. Hi, any advice greatfully received. I'll start at the beginning, and try to keep it all brief. Just over 6 years ago i was talked into starting a business with a friend. I had no money and no assets, and my older friend had very little also. We managed to get a lease on a pub for nothing and funded a refurbishment with a 40k brewery loan. We opened and made a few quid,subsequently buying another place. Again with the backing of the brewery, funded another makeover.40k Things going well we bought a nightclub. This was done with money we had made, and several investors. The brewery we had associated ourselves with wanted to be with us, so we took out another loan for stock and some extra fixtures with them - 80k. After about 2 and a half years things went wrong for various reasons and the whole thing collapsed. I had underwritten the debt now at around £140k still owed, joint and several with my friend. It is now 4 years later. I have not received any paperwork but have been told i have several large ccjs. I have just ordered a credit report and am waiting for it. I was left absolutely penniless, but nobody made me bankrupt as i had nothing at all to be bankrupted for. I havent heard from the brewery or the solicitors i owe the money to - (who have these judgements i didnt receive the paperwork for) for nearly 4 years. I'm scared to contact them in case i stir things up again? Or am i just prolonging it all. After six years will all this come off my file? Needless to say at the time the bank closed all my accounts and i couldnt open another at all. I had some cash at the time and managed to pay off a lot of creditors with final offers of the amounts owed. - I couldnt even afford to eat for months, no exaggeration. I managed to get a job offshore - as was lucky to have a professional qualification. I opened a bank account which ive had for many years and even have a credit card. I even opened an account in northern ireland where i was for a short time. All without a problem. I tried to open account in england yesterday and was told no way and advised to check my credit rating? This was with the same bank as my offshore account? I just want a fresh start and to be able to have a normal life- but now im terrified that this is hanging over me. Im worried that if i manage to get a house it will be taken off me, yet i cant afford to pay what will be outstanding. I paid enough at the time. Please can anyone advise me on all this? Can i get rid of CCj's i didnt receive any paperwork for four years ago? Where does my ex business partner(Ive not seen for years)stand in all this? Can i make small payments? Should i make any payments? Will it all drop off after the six years? Thankyou in advance
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