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Everything posted by Sportybfg

  1. Hi Ims Yes no problem, how do I add the link to my thread in the PPI success sticky? Sporty
  2. Hi everyone Wow, that was quick, money came into my account today! Just making donation to CAG now, thanks once again for all your help and advice Sporty
  3. Actually, scrub that request, I see the link on here now, lol! Merry Christmas!
  4. HI Ims, Hi Citizen how are you both? I've had some good news this morning, well actually I've had some AMAZING news! I had a letter back from HSBC and they have agreed to make me an offer.................. not for the £4790.00 I asked for though.................. .they have asked me also to take into consideration the PPI I paid on my graduate loan before this one.......................... they've offered me £9983.00!!!!!!!!! WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!................................ Now that's what I call a Merry Christmas! they've said it could tak up to 4 weeks to get the money but that's a wait that I'm more than willing to do. I just wanted to thank you both very much for all your help and to wish you both a very happy christmas. I'd like to make a donation to the website as well if I may? So i was wondering if you could help me one last time by telling me how i go about it please. Once again, thank you both so much, you've helped to give a family a christmas they'll never forget! Sporty
  5. Hi Citizen Right, just spoken to him, he is with the Nationwide. All 3 accounts were authorised overdrafts and were ongiong (i.e. were not due to finish). He does have rent and other bills paid via his accounts but he says he had gone slightly over one of his overdraft limits for a short while. Is there anything we could do for him? sporty
  6. Hi citizen I'm not actually sure whther his bills are paid for via his accounts, I would assume so, I will find out. I'll also ask what bank it was. In the meantime are you able to tell me what legislation or official ruling there is that says banks can't do that? Then i can feed it back to him and give him something to go to the bank with. Thanks sporty
  7. Hi everyone, I was looking for some advice and I wondered if anyone can help please? I was talking to a friend at work yesterday who said he had 3 different bank accounts with the same bank all with authorised overdrafts on. He got paid last thursday and then they spread his funds through all 3 accounts (without permission) and cancelled all 3 of his overdrafts leaving him with £2 for the month and none of his bills paid yet. I assume when his bills come in they will return them and then charge him for the pleasure as well, putting him into an unauthorised overdraft, which I assume they will also charge him for. He said he went down to the bank and spent 3 hours down there trying to get them to reverse what they had done but to no avail. Does anyone have any idea what he may be able to do about this please? Sorry, I forgot to ask which bank it was that did this but he did mention that it had happened to 2 other people at work who banked with different banks to him. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you Sporty
  8. Hi Citizen Ok, that's great thanks. So what happens when you haven't heard from them in 17 days? What is my next step? thanks Sporty
  9. Hi Ims Quick question if I may? I sent my stuff off recorded delivery on 4th November (which was delivered on the 7th) but have not received any acknowledgement from them. Do they have a certain amount of time to acknowledge receipt? Thanks Sporty
  10. oh damn, sorry i lied, last question I promise!! is it best to send this stuff recorded delivery or is it ok just in the normal post? Sporty
  11. Me again! lol Just a couple of quick things on the covering letter before I send it all off: Took the covering letter from the ones you suggested on the 'this is money' weblink and one line says 'The total amount of my premiums plus interest is £......." Does this mean the total amount of the PPI plus interest or the total amount of the whole loan (PPi included) plus interest? Also, as my loan was taken out in 2004 (and hence is 7 years old) do you think i ought to put something in the covering letter about the fact that a claim can be more than 6 years old? Just don't want them wasting time coming back to me saying "this is more than 6 years old, sorry mate". Was thinking along the lines of this paragraph below (from the FSA PPi policy) unless you know of something that better fits the bill? Decisions concerning the time barring of individual complaints are ultimately for the fos to make, but in general terms, our view (as set out in CP10/6 para 3.14), is that general media coverage of the PPI issue, including comments or publications by us, would not be enough to have given a consumer the kind of specific ‘constructive knowledge’ required by DISP’s time limits." Thanks Ims, promise this will be the last question before I get things underway, lol Sporty
  12. Ok, thanks very much to both of you Oh well, here goes, wish me luck! Sporty
  13. Hi dx do you think its a better idea to answer everything as openly and honestly as possible though to show that you have nothing to hide and that you are trying to be as straight with them as possible? Sporty
  14. one last question, I promise! lol on the fos questionnaire it asks whether you have ever been in arrears with the loan that you are claiming on. I missed the final payment before I paid that loan off. Will they still pay me if they see that it was in arrears for 1 payment at the end of the loan? Sporty
  15. oh actually, while I'm here, do you think this sounds like a fair thing to put on the PPI Questionnaire to answer why I'm unhappy with the insurance? "At the time of applying for this loan I was in a certainamount of financial difficulty and I needed to amalgamate my debts. At the timeof applying I was told that a new loan WOULD NOT be agreed WITHOUT me opting totake the PPi (therefore I was basically forced to take it if I wanted toamalgamate my debts and lower my payments, and in the situation that I was in Iwas left with no other option).What I also didn't realise at the time was thatthere was absolutely no need for me to take this as my employer provided agenerous illness and redundancy package which would have comfortably covered myloan payments anyway." Let me know what you think thanks once again Sporty
  16. ok that's great, thanks very much Ims, I'll get the paperwork sent off today and I'll keep you all informed of how it goes. Sporty
  17. Thanks Ims, that's great news! Do I need to supply them with a copy of my loan analysis form as well so that they can see how I came about the £1469 overpayment figure? Sporty
  18. dx So............ Followed post 10 - Got figure of £2710.89 (£1818.70 + interest accrued of £892.19) as what I should get back from them with regards to what i paid out monthly. Amount already refunded = £2366.26 Difference = £344.63 Therefore £2710.89 + 344.63 = £3055.52 Is that the figure that you reckon I should be asking for? Sorry, I know I'm probably being thick here but from reading post 5 from the thread below it seems to me that I should be asking for more..... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?318646-PPI-Single-Premium-Your-questions-answered Using the 'Loan analysis' supplied in that thread I worked out that my refund of PPI at the time of the loan closing should have been £3835.76 rather than £2366.26......a difference of £1469.50 therefore making my total claim: £2710.89 (£1818.70 + interest accrued of £892.19) + £ 2067.61 (1469.50 + interest accrued of £598.11) Total: £4778.50 As you can see, this is quite a bit different to £3055.52. I just don't want to get this wrong as I know that gives them excuse not to pay you. Looking forward to your response.. Thanks Sporty
  19. dx which calcs do i need to do dx? the ones using the loan analysis spreadsheet or just a simple addition of my 26 payments I made before the loan was paid off? thanks Sporty
  20. Hi ims / citizenb, long time no speak Sorry I haven't got very far with this, had a few more pressing concerns but back in the game now....... Was just about to send off my stuff when i noticed something else on citizenb's thread for PPis about being overcharged for it when you get your rebate. Looking at my statements I noticed that I paid out £4836.40 and I was refunded £2366.26 after making 26 payments of my PPi at £69.95 per payment (total repaid = £1818.70). Is this correct or should I also be claiming the difference between what they refunded me (£2366.26) and what I think I should have received (£4836.40 - £1818.70 = £3017.70) OR should I be claiming the difference between what they refunded and the figure I got using the loan analysis spreadsheet (outstanding figure after 26 of 96 due payments of £69.95 @ APR 9% = £3835.76)? I don't want to apply the wrong figure otherwise they will think I have no idea what I'm talking about and they'll try not to pay me. So if you could let me know which one of those figures, if any, I should be claiming and where I would add that into my information I send off I would be extremely grateful. Thanks for all your help so far Sporty
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