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Everything posted by Puppetman

  1. hello there! just thought I would pop in and say hi... and hopefully glean some wise words
  2. Hello. Back in October, I was on my way into work as normal. Slightly rushed. Hopped onto the train as normal, and as I was almost at London Bridge, an Revenue Protection person came around. I reached into my back pocket where I always keep my rail pass. Unfortunately, my hand came out with some old tickets from the weekend. Was in such a rush in the morning that I forgot that I swapped trousers. My pass was in the other pair Anway, I explained this to the lady and she issued me with a Witness Statement thing and said I had 14 days to send them a copy of Rail pass. She asked if I was avoiding the fair. I said no, I already had a pass, but forgot it, and anyway, to get out at my stop I was intending to use a credit card to purchase a ticket to get again. This is where problem one occurs. I signed the form, I only gave it a cursory glance. Stupidly I was expecting her to write down the correct information. On it, it says I was trying to avoid paying the fair. She also never said I could bring it up with the Independant Fine people (or whatever they are called! ) By the end of the week, I had sent a copy of my rail pass off to their offices in Croydon, to the address I was given. Second problem, I didn't send it registered. I never heard anything again, so thought all was good. I went on vacation and on my return I moved out of my mums house to a flat elsewhere. A week and a bit ago, I went back home to see her and there was a brown envelope. I was being summoned to court and asked to pay £105. This was news to me. I called them up, and they said that they sent me a letter before the summons. I cant remember what it was supposed to have contained, but suffice to say, it never turned up. I asked if they received my letter and they said they didn't. I am being given the option of pleading guilty and not being there, pleading guilty and appearing, or pleading not guilty. The evidence they have against me is circumstantial, admittedly I was stupid to not read properly, but I assumed that what I was telling the woman was being copied down faithfully. I have been taking that train for over two years now, I have a full time job and have never tried to avoid paying a fair!! It is so irritating. Sorry for the essay. Any ideas on what I should do? Help please!
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