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Everything posted by Filmfan1

  1. Many thanks for the info !!! Well they never came round as threatened , it really makes me laugh , it must cost them to send these letters out , when they know they cant force me to pay anymore !!
  2. Thanks Fred I will ride it out they were quite for about a year and then they have suddenly started the letters , however I am sure they will stop for a bit and then re start at xmas !! I doubt there is little they can do , are these people stupid though ? they know i am on a DMP and paying what I can afford its MAD!!! i owe them approx 16k ( including sainsburys bank) but i did manage to get back 6 months of interest and charges one question i have can banks 'lump' together debt ? i.e 2xbank accounts 1 credit card and 1 credit card with sainsburys ( which halifax manage) cheers!!
  3. Thanks for those links ... most helpful I think it is just a scare tactic ... because they dont have my telephone number . !!!
  4. Today i recieved a calling card from the Halifax .. it was disguised like a pin number envelope - the ones that have your pin number in where you have to tear along the paper . It then states - IMPORTANT OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE CALLING ON 23/04/2009 PLEASE CALL - 0870 - collections number if this does not suit I have had one of these before and nothing happened ... also i have written several letters of complaints to halifax who have responded and apologised and they seem to hassle more than any other lender .. i am also on a DMP with CCCS anyone any suggestions? Thanks!!
  5. Thanks for the info, I am om a DMP so I have been paying an amount every month - however what do i need to do in regards to the non reciept of the CCA agreement as i have recieved nothing at all .. even though I have requested it twice - the amount is for less than 1500
  6. Hello I CC'Ad connoughts in relation to a stat demand I recieved from them on Dec 15 2008 - they responded and said they dont keep such documentation and told me they would contact 1st credit and the original creditor to send the documentation - this was back on the 6th of jan and i have heard NOTHING. I also contacted 1st credit in July 08 and they also said they would get the original agreement from the lender as well - NOTHING turned up. How long does the stat demand stand for ? it was not set aside as it was over xmas and the new year and did not have time to do it. Thanks!!
  7. I recieved a statutory demand of connoughts however i also got one of 1st credit originally and requested a copy of my CCA , back in july 08 and I am still waiting... however they passed this debt to connoughts who issued another the stat demand on dec 15 , I have since requested my CCA from connoughts who have now written to me saying that they do not hold this documentation and have requested it off 1st credit / citifinancial , now I do feel that they are in breach of the 12 day rule and am a little confused as to what steps I should take ?? I am on a DMP . Can anyone help ?
  8. Well I CCAd connought collections and they have responded saying they do not keep such documentation at there offices they have told me that they have requested 1st credit/ citifinancial for the relevant documents to be sent to me , now bearing in mind I cca'd 1st credit back in july last year and have recieved nothing , i was wondering what steps should i now take? i would assume this de- validates the so called stat demand?
  9. Thanks so much I will keep you updated on how it goes
  10. Thats great , I will start filling the forms out soon. the charges on the account are for interest and late payment fees but they have frozen interest and late payment fees since it was handed over to the 1st Crud
  11. Many thanks for the advice this forum is truly supportive and may i just say have good xmas everyone !!
  12. I have looked at the envelope and the post mark is ineligible so I cannot see the date . I will get it set aside , however one of the forms asks for a solicitors signature ... and If i have been paying them through CCCS am i not admitting the so called 'debt' ?
  13. Thanks for the advice ... Yes I am a homeowner. The SD is dated the 15th Dec however i did not recieve it until the 22nd so it only gives me 11 days to set it aside and that includes holidays and weekends.. The thing is i CCA'd 1st CRUD in july and I am still awaiting the signed agreement .
  14. I have also just recieved a SD from connought collections - its a proper one not a computer generated one , I am also with the cccs and will be calling them tommorrow , however before 1st credit transfered the debt I CCA'd them and they still have not responded , should I CCA connought collections as well ? They have also sneakily sent it out over the holiday period so will the 18 day rule on setting aside still apply?? None of my other creditors have been like this and its beginning to really annoy me surely it will cost them around a grand to take to court ? Why do they use this methods? can I complain ? after all I am doing all i can to pay off my debts ... I have just rung the CCCS whom I have a DMP with and she said dont worry connought are the worst DCA for doing this its a scare tactic to make people pay more - she told me to CCA them which I have , I cant believe they can get away with it . I originally CCAd 1st Credit who passed it to connought - now this was done in July - they did respond saying the original afreement will be sent ASAP - as of this date still no CCA agreement !! Thanks ( this is my 1st post by the way!! )
  15. I have just recieved a SD from connought collections - its a proper one not a computer generated one , I am also with the cccs and will be calling them tommorrow , however before 1st credit transfered the debt I CCA'd them and they still have not responded , should I CCA connought collections as well ? They have also sneakily sent it out over the holiday period so will the 18 day rule on setting aside still apply?? Can they really make me bankrupt for 1200 ? None of my other creditors have been like this and its beginning to really annoy me surely it will cost them around a grand to take to court ? Why do they use this methods? can I complain ? after all I am doing all i can to pay off my debts ... Thanks ( this is my 1st post by the way!! )
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