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Everything posted by pipin101

  1. Cheers, just seemed a bit provocative is all. But it doesn't really seem as though I have much choice but to pay them. They are suspending my service tomorrow and will reconnect when I pay up.
  2. Cheers BankFodder. Fair enough Lawbunny, you are obviously T-Mobile 'til you die, sorry to offend you. However I still didn't agree to pay extra charges, but I guess by not reading the T&C's etc properly consitutes the same thing. I must point out that you should have read my post properly though. Thanks for the input. I actually thought that an ETF is a penalty charge because whether or not it is agreed in the contract it has to be for a service. If the line rental is no longer in use then what is the charge for? The company wanting to make sure they get their money right? If it is based purely on the contract agreement isn't it irrelevant as it is unlawful? Can anyone help with this? Lawbunny?
  3. I used to have a £25 p/m contract with T-mobile which would not allow me to go over my allowed minutes or messages. This was a good system for me except that I wanted a slightly larger allowance for my next contract with them. When the contract was due to end one of their sales personnel said he could reduce the contract to £15 a month for twice the minutes and messages - I bit his hand off. However he never said that I would be allowed over my agreed minutes (unlike before) and that as a result I would be fully charged for them. Being somewhat neive I never asked about this clause because I didn't know they let you go over your agreed limit in the first place (the previous contract was my first). Anyways they are now insisting that I pay them loads of money that I can't afford and have started sending theatening letters and have suspended my account (which had about 3/4 of my allowance left). However I maintain that as the full terms and conditions of the agreement were not laid out in full over the telephone by their employee that the verbal contract is now void and I am in fact entitled to cancel the contract alltogether without penalty charge or ETF (which I think could also be unlawful when bearing in mind recent claims against UK banks). Therefore I spoke to their collections department and went through all of the costs for the last couple of months, separated what was agreed and what was not and payed what I owed according to the verbal contract laid out over the phone by their staff (They should still have a recording of this conversation as they often say they reord calls for training purposes). However they still said I owed them the money I wouldn't pay and refused to re-activate my account (which still had about three quarters of my allowance still on it). Incredibly they expect me to pay for that as well even though effectively they aren't even offering the service anymore. Do I have to pay these crooks? Can I wait them out until they take me to a small claims court and win on the grounds that the contract is unlawful? Will this affect my credit history? What do I tell the bailifs if they come knocking? Please help me. Thanks for reading.
  4. Ah yes, cheers for the correction. I was wondering about the current COURT CASE and what that means to people trying to claim back charges etc.
  5. Hi there all, Nice to join finally... I should have done it sooner. Does anyone know anything about the current course case that is going on and how that affects the claim process... or is this in the FAQ's section. I'll go check in there. Merry Christmas,
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