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Everything posted by essemsea

  1. Thanks for your replies and just to let you know That I am also with Payplan who have really helped me out and I am aware that they can help me out and make offers on my behalf . Problem is I need some money to start again and will have to put aside money for creditors but they are not getting that much as I really have no respect for them and as I have been unemployed for 3 months and been harassed repeatably they aint my mates ! As I may go for cca,s I do not really want to involve Payplan with this as they have been the ultimate best for me and I respect them so I might drop out and fight alone ,there again they could help me out but I do not know what %to offer ,as stated earler as little as possible,the creditors won,t know what funds I have as they have no right to know so a few fibs will be necessary. I am also aware of partial settlements con but would only pay f&f that are above board , Ps scuse me what is SARS Thanks again
  2. Hi to all , Just trying to find out some info on full and final settlement agreements as I will have some money soon and just wondered what figures to negotiate for . One dca company made me an offer 75% off others40% and some banks only 10% . From what i can gather dca,s buy the debt for appx 10p in the pound so maybe easier to deal with .Also with the state of the economy they would probably be pleased to get anything. I will be leaving the country soon and will use this as a leverage to get the best deals ,basically Iam looking at paying 20% -25% off so any advice as how to deal with Banks and DCA,s and get the best deal . For the first time in two and a half years of sheer hell this time I feel the ball will be in my court and the pressure I can put on them as they have no idea how much I have will be sweet. I have decided those that play hardest I will go after credit agreements and who knows they may end up getting zilch.Any advice of previous experiences or insider information most appreciated, Good luckto all!
  3. Thanks for your replies guys and I relize it is too late to take action now as when these orders were applied for andI never knew about the credit agreement . If I still apply for the credit agreements would it be possible to take legal action against them after they have taken the money that is if the agreements are invalid . I have other creditors to deal with though some are with dcc ,doI deal with the original banks first and if invalid agreements turn up how do I deal with the dcc's ? Thanks again
  4. Hi to everyone ,just wondered if I can get some urgent help and info as I have just sold my house and it will complete in six weeks . I have 3 charging orders on my house totalling appx £20,000 of which £5000 credit card debt is to MBNA Europe ,handled by Restons solicitors and £10,000 to Egg Bank for a loan and another £5000 credit card debt to Egg Bank both handled by Drydens solicitors . I am going to send them letters about the credit agreements where they have 12 days to reply . If they do not reply or the agreements are invalid how do I proceed next to stop them taking the money from the point of sale .If they proceed would they have broken the law ?Can I reclaim later ? The solicitors I guess are not independent of these banks so how do I deal with them as also they have increased my debt by £1000 with their charges.Do I write to them or the Banks ? This is a bit of a tricky one and any suggestions greatly appreciated plus anyone who has dealt with these banks and solicitors who can tell me of the outcome. Have posted this elsewhere on the site but this forum is just as helpful. Best regards to you all
  5. Hi to everyone ,just wondered if I can get some urgent help and info as I have just sold my house and it will complete in six weeks . I have 3 charging orders on my house totalling appx £20,000 of which £5000 credit card debt is to MBNA Europe ,handled by Restons solicitors and £10,000 to Egg Bank for a loan and another £5000 credit card debt to Egg Bank both handled by Drydens solicitors . I am going to send them letters about the credit agreements where they have 12 days to reply . If they do not reply or the agreements are invalid how do I proceed next to stop them taking the money from the point of sale .If they proceed would they have broken the law ?Can I reclaim later ? The solicitors I guess are not independent of these banks so how do I deal with them as also they have increased my debt by £1000 with their charges.Do I write to them or the Banks ? This is a bit of a tricky one and any suggestions greatly appreciated plus anyone who has dealt with these banks and solicitors who can tell me of the outcome. Best regards to you all
  6. Hi ,in answer to your question ,yes there is equity that will be left after paying the mortgage and thats why I want to do something about it, hope that is of some help...thanks
  7. Yes thats the way the Dvla look at it but leaving it untaxed is an offence as well , the law makes no exceptions ,rich or poor , tax is tax !
  8. Hi yes I declared sorn while the car was still on the road broken down ,left it there for 2 weeks or more, hope that clarifies things cheers
  9. Hi one and all I am new to this site so forgive me if maybe someone has put an anwer to my questions but I am sure its different in ways . 2 years ago Egg bank took me to court and placed 2 orders on my hose ,one for £5,000,credit card the other for £15000 loan,I am with Payplan who provided me with financial statements but lost the case. Recently MBNA Europe took me to court £5000 credit card debt and in my absence ordered £25 payment a month even though they are accepting payments made by me to Payplan ,well I could not afford this that led to a charging order last week at court though I did not attend as last time it was a complete and utter waste of time plus the solicitor from the banks had to represent me as well which was bizarre ,so I do not know the result of the last one and also what gets me is these court orders are sent with no proof of posting [i guess you could say you never received it ] Anyway I have noticed a lot of people claiming that their credit agreements are void and illegal and I am now interested in following this course of action ,is it possible to get these orders revoked ,I am selling my house so might not get to it in time but if they do get the money is it possible to reclaim it ,any help in this matter would be absolutely brilliant . Thanks.
  10. Hi everyone , About 4 months ago My cambelt went and pulled over and a mechanic came out quoting me around £250-£1250 to mend ,well having been unemployed for a month I could not afford itor £35 for a tow and could not find anyone to help me .I had 2 weeks tax left and hoped the situation would improve ,ironically the car broke down 500 yards from the DVLA in Poole Dorset and twice as far from my house .I never got any money and eventually had to declare sorn on the tax and two weeks later got a tow from a mate but too late it was reported ,could not pay the fine and now two months later the court papers hae arrived ,unemployed once again. I can put my reasons forward to the court but the Dvla have acted more or less to my reasons like its 1984 in previous conversations ,my question is do I have any chance of evading a fine and court costs .Thank you .
  11. After endless searches on the internet I have finally found what I am looking for. Alas I find myself burdoned with debts of £100,000 ,mainly credit cards and a couple of loans .I do not own anything that even reflects a great lifestyle as most of the debt just spiralled out of control due to the outrageous interest charges plus penalty charges so basically I kept on borrowing to pay the others back . One day I realized that it was all over and the aweful hassling started , never ending ,once I was their golden boy now I was public enemy number 1 .Luckily for me I found out about Payplan and have been paying back £140 a month for over 2 years but now I find myself unemployed for the third time in 2 years and this time it is bleak and the creditors are surfacing again with threats and more threats and I am sick of it !I own my own house and have tried to sell it but the market is baddddd!If I do sell it I will make final settlement offers to them or that was my intention but lately my attitude towards them is you want war well I am going to fight you back . The final snap was MBNA putting a charging order on my house after I could not pay a previous court order for £25 a month asking me to commit fraud , even though they have signed up to paypal !Now I am leaving the UK .I was 100% genuine on paying them back but after seeing all the misery ,greed and disasters they have caused I simply just see them as legitamite gangsters ! I have3 options left : Sell the house Lose £25000 in charging orders plus pay full and final settlement Sell the house lose£25000 in charging orders and keep the rest and go Sell my house ,fight for my rights , get the card companies on their loopholes and anything else I can get them for and get the charging orders reversed or anulled and then leave and start a new life. The Banks have got the whole world in trouble so I am not afraid of them I hate them and that hate gives me strength also I would love to see credit cards BANNED so that another generation does not go through all this . I will search through all the forums for help but if anyone has anything to offer ,especially about charging orders thank you. I wish everyone well
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