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  1. hi. i would recommend you contacting a company called harrington brooks. i found them through the citizens advice buerau. i have been in debt for years with banks. firstly after taking on an overdraft when i was 17 years old with natwest. i was unemployed at the time, very young, and was just bowled over that a bank would be kind enough to lend me money! they saw me coming a mile off. well, now i am in my late twenties and i did manage to pay off that overdraft but, only by managing to take out a loan. of course all i was managing to pay was the interest as it was so high. so i took out yet another loan to pay the other one off, and in the end i couldn't even pay that, so i stupidly began ignoring the letters, feeling sick every time one would come through the post. a coule of years ago, i finally had enough and came accross harrington brooks on the internet. they are a dept managment company. they don't lend you money, they give helpful advice, contact the companies you owe on your behalf and arrange with you a realistic amount that you can pay regularly towards your debts. for example, i had three seperate loans which i couldn't cope with. harrington brooks went over my earnings/outgoings and we came to an amount which i was comfortable paying weekly to the banks. the amount is £50 a week, and this is divided up between all three banks. a very small sum is taken from that amount as a fee to harrington brooks. on my behalf, they wrote to each bank and told them that i am able to pay the sum of £whatever each week, and please will they freeze my interest so that the balance will actually get paid. by law they have to agree. if ever i recieve a letter from the banks for any reason and i'm not sure what to do about it, i just contact harrington brooks and they deal with it for me. i now have peace of mind which i havn't had for years, and i know that my debts are being dealt with. i would highly recommend them. good luck
  2. charlie - it all sounds a bit suspect to me, especially as they are not listed with the law society. i have myself recieved a letter from them similar to yours, asking me to contact them otherwise they will take the me to court/take repossesion of my property etc. the problem is that there is no contact number for them, or e-mail address. surely this can't be right if they are a legit company? also, they don't seem to have any idea of the amount outstanding. if you manage to find anything out before i do, i would be very interested in what they have to say. good luck!
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