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Everything posted by cuddlybear4u234

  1. Hello every one.Had an amuseing one today,had a post card through door today from AIC with a phone no of 0141 2283068 to get in touch so I rang the no gave the ref number ect was told they would ring me back, n problem would await there call.Very effiecient with in a few minutes I get a call I then go through the are you so and so its for security rubbish.I then asked what it was about and got told i owed them i think it was £98 i owed them.So of course ask how they come to this conclusion and apparently it was for some thing i had had on a trial basis from the net and did i have my card at hand to make payment so i told them no point as i cant make a payment as account is empty.Of course the bullying started you must pay today and luckily for me have dealt with these type of idiots in past so told him did he think i was stupid enugh to just pay some one who rings me up and demands it and asked how about him paying me instead i would give him a ring back could i have his number, of course he declined and said that further action would be pursued so ive told him i look forward to it as i dont owe the moneys and it would be interesting to see how they could get blood out of a stone.Any way told him im not paying a penny and was told this call is been recorded so told him brilliant as i would like to hear it when i see them in court and he proceeded to say goodbye then.I then decided to look up the company to see just how legit they were and what did i get come up in my search about three down was your good selves and read the forums comments ect and suddenly realised what a favour AIC had done me as i had found out where to go as i have for a long time had financial dealings that was not happy with and am now finding out i was correct in feeling that way so a big thank you must be said to AIC lol but in the same breath they need to be stopped with their intimidateing ways I was lucky,if i didnt know or was frightened by them it could have cost me a fortune.I must opoligies if im on the wrong page to introduce my self but im sure you will all get to know me as i have quite a few things i need to get cleared up so will be on here quite a bit researching and asking for advice so good to see there are still humans out there what a brilliant site I hope I can contribute as well as get help.May i take the oppertunity to wish everyone a merry christmas and a very properous new year
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