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Posts posted by sophouse26

  1. Db are AWFUL. Our mortgage was securitised by them last OCtober and we have endless problems with them since. they do not want to take our payments when we try and make them and then say we are late when they refuse them!!! We are taking them back to court as they are constantly trying to evict us even thoughwe are paying our mortgage!!! If you can get rid of them they should be investigated!!

  2. If anyone can help us with our N244 for that would be great. We have just spoken to the mortgage company again and they are point blank refusing to cancel the eviction unless.......can you believe this next offer...... we pay the next 2months in advance!!!! We recieved a letter today dsaying we had to pay £3300 which is May and June's payment and then they will cancel the eviction and we start paying again under the original order in july!!!! This does not make sense - 2 payments then nothing till July???!!!! This is because we are up to date with our paymetns and they are trying to get more or take our house!! should this be allowed???

    They still have not sent our statement as requested and I have asked for it again on the telephone tonight and now they are telling me that I am to pay £25 for tehm to send this!! this company are just robbing b*******. I really hope the judge doesn't side with them adn I feel sick adn am getting no sleep over this. It seems you pay and your damned and you don't and your damned - how can these people not be regulated better??? Any help with the N244 would eb most appreciated as I am very tired with all this now! thanks!! P.s has ANYONE else out tehre heard of DB mortgages and had dealings with them? thanks everyone :)


    I need to put my case forwards

  3. If anyone can help us with our N244 for that would be great. We have just spoken to the mortgage company again and they are point blank refusing to cancel the eviction unless.......can you believe this next offer...... we pay the next 2months in advance!!!! We recieved a letter today dsaying we had to pay £3300 which is May and June's payment and then they will cancel the eviction and we start paying again under the original order in july!!!! This does not make sense - 2 payments then nothing till July???!!!! This is because we are up to date with our paymetns and they are trying to get more or take our house!! should this be allowed???

    They still have not sent our statement as requested and I have asked for it again on the telephone tonight and now they are telling me that I am to pay £25 for tehm to send this!! this company are just robbing b*******. I really hope the judge doesn't side with them adn I feel sick adn am getting no sleep over this. It seems you pay and your damned and you don't and your damned - how can these people not be regulated better??? Any help with the N244 would eb most appreciated as I am very tired with all this now! thanks!! P.s has ANYONE else out tehre heard of DB mortgages and had dealings with them? thanks everyone :)


    I need to put my case forwards

  4. I hav ebeen reading some more info about reposession hjearings and am under the impression that the mortgage companies solicitors are supposed to provide copies to me of their defence case? Is this true as I have NEVER had copies of this? Would this be seomthing we could try adn get an ajournment on or something else which may go against them? Any kind of support and advice would be most appreciated. THanks again

  5. I hav ebeen reading some more info about reposession hjearings and am under the impression that the mortgage companies solicitors are supposed to provide copies to me of their defence case? Is this true as I have NEVER had copies of this? Would this be seomthing we could try adn get an ajournment on or something else which may go against them? Any kind of support and advice would be most appreciated. THanks again

  6. Well I have filled in the form before but this time I don't know how much to put on there. I want to ensure i cover all the important parts and cover the convesations previously had. I have asked for everything from DB to be put in writing and am waiting for this to come before submitting the N244. if it's not here by Tuesday I will have to go ahead with N244 and the evidence i have here already.


    I qrote a letter of compaint recently about the way I have been treated and part of it quoted the new guildines issued by the courts abck in Nov 08. I was told that as the mortgage originally went to court last April the new court guidelines do not apply to my case. Is this true???


    thanks Ell-enn youa re brilliant and this site is such a god send to people in times of trouble and distress :)

  7. Well I have filled in the form before but this time I don't know how much to put on there. I want to ensure i cover all the important parts and cover the convesations previously had. I have asked for everything from DB to be put in writing and am waiting for this to come before submitting the N244. if it's not here by Tuesday I will have to go ahead with N244 and the evidence i have here already.


    I qrote a letter of compaint recently about the way I have been treated and part of it quoted the new guildines issued by the courts abck in Nov 08. I was told that as the mortgage originally went to court last April the new court guidelines do not apply to my case. Is this true???


    thanks Ell-enn youa re brilliant and this site is such a god send to people in times of trouble and distress :)

  8. Just had a call from DB and they have said that if i now pay may and junes installments they will cancel the order. We had agreed in the past that all payments would be made on the 25th of every month but they are now saying that mays payment is over due and this is the only way they will now stop the order. I am going to take the N244 over to the courts this afternoon as i think db are still being difficult and this is the only option that will have left!! i am however concerned that the only reason they have contacted this morning with their 'offer' is so as they can say to the judge "well we did offer this amount to stop the order". When i spoke to their rep this morning and said that i technically wasn't in arrears with the present order he scoffed and said that i was as i haven't made mays payment(which isn't due for another 18 days!!!). Are they just thick or just hell bent on turfing people out of their homes???? i really do wonder!

  9. Just had a call from DB and they have said that if i now pay may and junes installments they will cancel the order. We had agreed in the past that all payments would be made on the 25th of every month but they are now saying that mays payment is over due and this is the only way they will now stop the order. I am going to take the N244 over to the courts this afternoon as i think db are still being difficult and this is the only option that will have left!! i am however concerned that the only reason they have contacted this morning with their 'offer' is so as they can say to the judge "well we did offer this amount to stop the order". When i spoke to their rep this morning and said that i technically wasn't in arrears with the present order he scoffed and said that i was as i haven't made mays payment(which isn't due for another 18 days!!!). Are they just thick or just hell bent on turfing people out of their homes???? i really do wonder!

  10. ahhh hopefully things will be ok . Just checked my bank and the payment didn't leave until the Monday after the 25th as this was the weekend day...do you think he will quibble over a day??? God I feel more nervous this time than before! Should I also submit the incomings and outgoings again? Eviction date has come through for 21st May at 11am so we have about 2 weeks :(

    Will downlaod now! God this is horrible! This company are so rude and they told me today that I should phone hem after making every payment!!! How unrealistic is that especially with work committments as I can't always access a phone during normal working hours??!! God can't believe we are getting penalised ofr paying and brinign the arrears down!!!!

  11. ahhh hopefully things will be ok . Just checked my bank and the payment didn't leave until the Monday after the 25th as this was the weekend day...do you think he will quibble over a day??? God I feel more nervous this time than before! Should I also submit the incomings and outgoings again? Eviction date has come through for 21st May at 11am so we have about 2 weeks :(

    Will downlaod now! God this is horrible! This company are so rude and they told me today that I should phone hem after making every payment!!! How unrealistic is that especially with work committments as I can't always access a phone during normal working hours??!! God can't believe we are getting penalised ofr paying and brinign the arrears down!!!!

  12. Ah thanks Ell-Enn that would be great!

    WEll I had another conversation today with the company and the guy agreed that we had made a payment every month and that the arrears were coming down - but as the payment was late this month they were going ahead with the eviction.....the payment was due on 25th and it arrived on 28th and the 25th/26th were weekend days - not like it was weeks overdue!!!!!

    Ell we have lots of proof of payments from bank statements to statements from the mortgage company themseleves we can use as evidence. We have also faxed a complaint off and sent a hard copy recorded delivery , asking questions like why do we not recieve any written correspondance from this company and why have we not recieved things in writing when we have requested. We also asked the guy on the phone this and he said that on the system there was no recollection of our request for things in writing!! this is complete lies and it seems that they manipulate their records to duit their needs. oUr complaint has been sent to their complaints department for them to prepare a response ( another 7 day process no doubt!!)

    We are now REALLY worried that the judge will side with them this time as it is the 2nd time the order has been presented and he may be sick of the case? But we constatntly keep in contact with DB and can afford the payments and are proving this each month!! This should not be allowed as it is almost corporate bullying and borderline emotional abuse :(

    Here's hoping we still have a roof in 2 weeks time!!

  13. Ah thanks Ell-Enn that would be great!

    WEll I had another conversation today with the company and the guy agreed that we had made a payment every month and that the arrears were coming down - but as the payment was late this month they were going ahead with the eviction.....the payment was due on 25th and it arrived on 28th and the 25th/26th were weekend days - not like it was weeks overdue!!!!!

    Ell we have lots of proof of payments from bank statements to statements from the mortgage company themseleves we can use as evidence. We have also faxed a complaint off and sent a hard copy recorded delivery , asking questions like why do we not recieve any written correspondance from this company and why have we not recieved things in writing when we have requested. We also asked the guy on the phone this and he said that on the system there was no recollection of our request for things in writing!! this is complete lies and it seems that they manipulate their records to duit their needs. oUr complaint has been sent to their complaints department for them to prepare a response ( another 7 day process no doubt!!)

    We are now REALLY worried that the judge will side with them this time as it is the 2nd time the order has been presented and he may be sick of the case? But we constatntly keep in contact with DB and can afford the payments and are proving this each month!! This should not be allowed as it is almost corporate bullying and borderline emotional abuse :(

    Here's hoping we still have a roof in 2 weeks time!!

  14. Well the saga now continues!! Please if anyone is considering using a pime/sub prime lender do not do it!!


    We have paid £1650 every month and have evidence to show the money going in every month as agreed.This morning we recieved ANOTHER DATE FOR EVICTION!!!


    WE spoke to the mortgage company and as the banking system was slow this month ( due to bank holidays etc) the payment was 4 days late and they requested an eviction date!! We knew NOTHING about htis. we had no letters or phone calls to discuss the payment being late!!

    This whole saga is very traumatic and this company make things as difficult to make payment as well! I needed to send proof of ID before they would accept my bank payment!!

    We have had no written warnings or anything! What is wrong with these people???? I think now they are just after court fees or commission on their solicitors fees or something.

    When I spoke with them they confirmed that they had recieved the payment but they are STILL going for the possession unless we cough up the £10,000 worth of arrears still outstanding before the 21st May! I cannot believe they go to these measures - It is unrealistic for us to pay this. We asked them why they would not cancel and the guy was not perpared to go into any kindof discussion he just kept repeating over and over again you need to pay £10,000 to stop this evicition!

    This whole saga is hugely stressful and emotionally draining and each month we are having to live with the fear that there may be a glitch somewhere and we will end up back in court! Our rate drops in december and our payment goes down by 5% do you think they are trying to get our house before this date as they will not get as much money out of us??

    Surely there must be regulations in place to support people in our situation who are paying and sticking to the order?

    I don't want to have to go back to court again but this company are leaving me with no choice. As I am earning I can't afford a solicitor to support me with this, any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated!

    has anyone else had a bad experience with DB?

  15. Well the saga now continues!! Please if anyone is considering using a pime/sub prime lender do not do it!!


    We have paid £1650 every month and have evidence to show the money going in every month as agreed.This morning we recieved ANOTHER DATE FOR EVICTION!!!


    WE spoke to the mortgage company and as the banking system was slow this month ( due to bank holidays etc) the payment was 4 days late and they requested an eviction date!! We knew NOTHING about htis. we had no letters or phone calls to discuss the payment being late!!

    This whole saga is very traumatic and this company make things as difficult to make payment as well! I needed to send proof of ID before they would accept my bank payment!!

    We have had no written warnings or anything! What is wrong with these people???? I think now they are just after court fees or commission on their solicitors fees or something.

    When I spoke with them they confirmed that they had recieved the payment but they are STILL going for the possession unless we cough up the £10,000 worth of arrears still outstanding before the 21st May! I cannot believe they go to these measures - It is unrealistic for us to pay this. We asked them why they would not cancel and the guy was not perpared to go into any kindof discussion he just kept repeating over and over again you need to pay £10,000 to stop this evicition!

    This whole saga is hugely stressful and emotionally draining and each month we are having to live with the fear that there may be a glitch somewhere and we will end up back in court! Our rate drops in december and our payment goes down by 5% do you think they are trying to get our house before this date as they will not get as much money out of us??

    Surely there must be regulations in place to support people in our situation who are paying and sticking to the order?

    I don't want to have to go back to court again but this company are leaving me with no choice. As I am earning I can't afford a solicitor to support me with this, any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated!

    has anyone else had a bad experience with DB?

  16. Well goodish news everyone!!


    I went to court tody at 2.00pm and indeed there was no representative from the other side, though they did fax a response which had a few questionable comments ( such as I hadn't been in touch with them before 13th Nov 2008!!??). Anyway the judge went through everything and siad 'quite' lots of times when reading my Q10.

    The outcome was that he decided to ajourn the case until the first available date after 9th Jan 2009. He then said that as long as I made the payment on 1st Jan and the £250 arrears payment there would be no reason for him to proceed with the warrant. phew!


    The otherside did say that they would appeal any outcome other than eviction so I am not sure what they will do next but at least we have some breathing space now and can begin to get back on track!


    I hate these sub-prime lenders! Edeus were in fairness excellent and very pro-borrower but DB seem to be going for the jugular wherever possible and completely ignoring any new gov guidelines. they truly believe themseleves to be above everything!!


    THanks so much Ell-enn and everyone else for your support and fantastic advise. It goes a long way when people are this low.

    The up-side is that as long as we stay on track for a few months our fixed period is removed and goes to a variable rate which is 2.25% above bank of engalnd base rate....if things stay low we will be £500 better off a month!!! I guess this is why they are trying to get rid of us quick??

  17. Well goodish news everyone!!


    I went to court tody at 2.00pm and indeed there was no representative from the other side, though they did fax a response which had a few questionable comments ( such as I hadn't been in touch with them before 13th Nov 2008!!??). Anyway the judge went through everything and siad 'quite' lots of times when reading my Q10.

    The outcome was that he decided to ajourn the case until the first available date after 9th Jan 2009. He then said that as long as I made the payment on 1st Jan and the £250 arrears payment there would be no reason for him to proceed with the warrant. phew!


    The otherside did say that they would appeal any outcome other than eviction so I am not sure what they will do next but at least we have some breathing space now and can begin to get back on track!


    I hate these sub-prime lenders! Edeus were in fairness excellent and very pro-borrower but DB seem to be going for the jugular wherever possible and completely ignoring any new gov guidelines. they truly believe themseleves to be above everything!!


    THanks so much Ell-enn and everyone else for your support and fantastic advise. It goes a long way when people are this low.

    The up-side is that as long as we stay on track for a few months our fixed period is removed and goes to a variable rate which is 2.25% above bank of engalnd base rate....if things stay low we will be £500 better off a month!!! I guess this is why they are trying to get rid of us quick??

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