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Everything posted by Calic0

  1. Hi , I'm new to this and I'm not sure how it works but I need some help please. I recently received a parking ticket from OPC for £100 because I overstayed my welcome in their car park. If I pay it within 14 days it will be reduced to £50. Although I am well aware it was my fault, I am disinclined to pay it because the whole situation is a farce. The OPC car park is the only free car park near my work, all the others are council owned and charge around £8 per day. As I work full time this can add up to quite a lot in a week and I don't live close enough to walk to work. Also, the shopping centre I work in doesn't provide parking for staff, so we are left with no choice and decide it's cheaper to take the risk of a ticket. It's ridiculous as I have parked there for over a year with no problems and this is the first ticket I've had - because it happened to be a busy day and the car park was filling up. Having read some threads on here, I was hoping I could ignore the ticket, (this may be naive of me :-|), and hope OPC think it's not worth their time to chase me for it. However, the small print on the ticket states they can apply to the DVLA for any relevent details they require. The last thing I need are intimidating letters dropping through the door. Can the DVLA really give my details out? Surely the Data Protection Act comes into force? Also, does anyone have any advice on whether or not I should pay the ticket. Thanks.
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