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  1. I have been advised that my role is 'at risk' of redundancy and a 2 week consultation process is to commence, with the effective date being 31.12.08 (Merry christmas to you also!!!) Under the new structure there are 2 possible redeployment opportunities available 1 full-time post at a lower grade and 1 part-time post at a similar level currently to me. Within the section we also have a temporary part-time employee undertaking the lower graded post. If I express an interest in either one of these new posts can I exercise my right to the statutory 4 weeks trial period without loosing my right to a redundancy payment (which will be enhanced over and above the Statutory Reducdancy payment)? Also what implications would being part-time at the moment have on the fact that 1 of these new positions is full-time.? Thank you
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