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Everything posted by Angie2008

  1. Hi ExMBNA, Do MBNA make a habit of harrassing people such as myself who have critical illnesses? I may not have been told that I am terminal so far as I am still under the hospital and awaiting further tests but to be told "your not terminal so there is nothing we can do to help you" is totally disgusting. Do they actually teach you this sh*t in training???? Please feel free to read my post and offer any advice on how to deal with these vampires. Also my card is with Virgin and has been dealt with by MBNA numpties the whole time, you mentioned on another post that Virgin want their customers to be treated differently/properly is it worth writing directly to them telling them how seriously sick MBNA staff are for hounding me the way they have done this past few months. Angie
  2. Right the request for the CCA went off to them today. Let's see what happens now. Have a nice weekend everyone Angie
  3. Thanks guys, I feel much much better since I found this site. I no longer feel alone in this as I have done for the last few months. Infact I have had and found more advice looking at this site than I managed to get out of the CAB in 4 visits.. Amazing when you think they are supposed to assist you.... Any way I have prepared my request for CCA to MBNA and will be sending that tomorrow via recorded delivery. Shall we have a bet to see if I get a response before 24th December??? I am also going to work out a response to their last letter stating that I pay the £157 or else over the weekend so any suggestions would be greatly received, clean responses only please Have a good weekend everyone Angie
  4. Brilliant thank you. I presume I now send this to the registered office of MBNA by recorded delivery. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind. Firstly by asking for this CCA after all the rubbish that has gone before including the letters I have written saying I want to pay but a smaller amount, can I do this without looking bad if it got to court? Should I respond to the MBNA Solicitor telling him I do have an agreement but it is still too high as I have NO INCOME... Or should I just ignore him and wait for the CCA. Also I have been paying the £1 I offered originally just incase they did try and take me to court. Should I continue to pay this or not? Can I send the Subject Access letter later on as I don't have a spare £10 right now? Sorry if you have had to answer these questions in other posts but I tend to get so tired I can't remember where I read something, at least if I ask it here I only have one place to look at. Thank you all so much Angie
  5. Hiya guys and gals, Right I have checked my paperwork and I have had threats of default notices being done but nothing from MBNA to say "you are in default" although I did get a letter from Optima Legal today which states that MBNA may have no alternative but to take you to court. And something to do with they may get a charging order to for the sale of my house - yeah right... I can see that one in the papers "Cancer patient thrown onto the streets by nasty horrible American CC company" ha ha. It also states that I should contact MBNA as they may be prepared to come to some agreement that will freeze the interest etc, well that was done already so this person is not up to date with current info are they. Then they tell me to complete the Expenditure form and send it to MBNA, umm sorry mate done that already and they choose to ignore me.... Anyway I am going to request the CCA as mentioned above can someone please tell me if there is a template I can use for both of these letters. I have been trying to find them but I can't. Thanks in Advance. Angie
  6. Hello again and thank ou for your replies. I won't phone them anymore, I can't be bothered to anyway because as you have all said it gets me nowhere, just wound up and upset. I am finding all this very hard because I have never been in debt before and never thought I would be but then I have learnt a valuable lesson over the last few months and that is "life is too short" and "anything can happen". And since finding this site I am learning a new lesson "why worry they can't have what you ain't got":) I have had a couple of letters to do with default notices but if I remember rightly they were just warnings saying if I don't pay they will issue defaults, but I wil defo double check to make sure. I checked my credit file in the last couple of weeks and it only shows late payments so far, when they issue a default will it show up on there straight away? I am trying to get myself a list together of what to do next, I gather that asking for my CCA will be the best move to start off with. So will try and get that done this week. Should I still write the letter to Chester if I do this? I do use Facebook but every now and then only and if I get any requests form friends I only accept them if I know them. Come to think of it I have ignored a few over the last month or so as I have no idea who they are.. Will get on with reading other posts on the forum, I have already read a few and to be honest it is good in one sense to see that I am not alone in this mess but bad in another to see how those cretins can treat people. I was told by the jerk I spoke to yesterday after I got the pay the £157 or else letter that they are an American bank and have to adhere to the US laws as well as the UK ones. How can they do that? This is the UK not America, or was he implying that the Americans couldn't give a S**t about anything other than making peoples lives a misery !!!! Makes yo wonder doesn't it. Thanks again for your support, you have no idea how much better I feel already since finding this forum Angie xx
  7. Hello this is my first post so please forgive me if it is in the wrong place. I was diagnosed with cancer on 27th June and I know that as I work for myself it was going to give me financial problems to some degree. So as I have never in my life been in debt I set about sending letters and collecting application forms for the creditors I had insurance with. I went in for majory surgery to my on 15th July and to be honest wasn't all that interested in sorting out what was going on with my finances. Once I was able to I wrote to Virgin and told them my situation and that although I wasn't in arrears at that time I would be by the middle of September as that is when I worked out my savings would be gone. I immediately received a letter telling me to reurn my card and any cc cheques I had in my possession along with a load more rubbish telling me to maintain my payments or else they would take legal action blah blah blah. I was gobsmacked to say the least. They didn't even acknowledge my letter regarding my cancer and the situation I now found myself in. So I phoned them up and spke to a girl called mary who wasn't in the slightest bit interested in what I was saying. The fact that I had no income and needed to pay a £1 for 6 months whilst I had treatment and was able to get back to work was totally ignored and she point blank refused the £1 offer and was quite clear when I mentioned stopping the interest as it would only increase my debt - no chance of that ever happening was her reply. She told me to just pay what I could afford but added on about the going to court rubbish just to make me feel much better about the whole experience. I called back after a number of threatening letters and spoke to a guy called Adam who seemed ok and said I needed to be put on the financial hardshp register so that the fees and interest could be stopped. So I spent almost an hour on the phone with him, I must say at this time I could hardly talk due to my operation and radiotherapy tratment, he took all my details again as far as what I could and couldn't afford. And told me no problem you will receive a formal agreement soon. A few more weeks passed and still nothing so I called again still with a bad throat and unable to talk too loudly. I was basically told I was a liar with regards to my mortgage re-payments and after a rather heated conversation I told the idiot I was taking to that I had no reason to lie and would send proof via fax of the payments I make. He said ok once we get that we will continue with the application for severe hardship. I heard nothing until I had a phone call from another person, I once again explained the situation and how hard this was now becoming because I have been the one calling them to chase all the time but all they do is ignore my situation and my request for assistance. The lady I spoke o was horrified and said she would ensure the correct person would be put incharge of my case because all the rubbish that had so far happened should never of happened as there is a specific department that deals with people with critical illnesses. Anyhow as requested I faxed a copy of my consultants medical report which states I have malignant cancer. The next day this other lady called me back and said "sorry but because you are not terminal there is nothing we can do" I was in total shock at that comment. She told me I had to pay up or be taken to court although she also knew I have no income so I can't pay right now. Two weeks ago another woman from MBNA called me up and told me that she is now taking over my account, she told me she was horrified reading through what has happened to me so far and she also told me that the original application to be added to the severe hardship list had been closed a few days after it was started despite me proving that my mortgage payments were correct, hence the reason for more fees ad even more interest being piled onto my account. She assred me that she would get it sorted out for me although I must be aware that I have until March, I think she said,to pay up or they will sell my debt. Today I received a letter to say thanks for your letter, sorry your offer of £1 for 6 mnths has been refused pay £157 per month or else. So I tried to call this woman but she was off today and I got some d**kh**d who was really nasty and said that MBNA have adhered to the banking code and made ever effort to assist me, you pay that sum or go to court simple. What a w........r he was. So much so that I lost it with him and told him tht I hope he or his family never have the unfortunate situation where they get cancer and end up needing help only to be treated like a piece of crap on the bottom of someones shoe, think he was rather gobsmacked at that but continued to try and agrue for MBNA. I basicaly told him to shut his mouth and give me the details of the complaints department. He took a bit of convincing but he only gave me the address for the collections place in chester. So my questions are: 1. What if anything can I do to get these wolves off my back either for the short term or for good. 2. Should I write a complaint to this department in Chester or will it be ignored as most people have reported on this forum. I am so stressed out already with being told I have cancer, and I still don't know if it has gone after the treatment I have had. I have tried everything possible to get this under control, more so than most fit and healthy people would do according to the ladies at mbna but to no avail. I have tried very hard to sort everything out but it is so hard trying to deal with this rubbish as well as the effects of my cancer and treatment. I have made myself ill on top of my cancer through worry , stress and lack of sleep, all of which the hospital have told me will only add to the length of time it will take me to recover. But what can I do if no-one will help me. I went to CAB which was a complete and utter waste of time, I contacted a debt advice agency to ask for advice and they told me that they can do nothing as I have no money and that I should go back to them once I have spare funds to offer my creditors. I went to my creditors one at a time and only 1 of them agreed to assist me. One refuses to talk to me (NatWest) and after many many phone calls from me MBNA are still not helping me. I am at my wits end and don't know where to turn, if anyone can help me I would be more than greatful. Thanks in advance. Angie2008
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