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Everything posted by suprasport

  1. i recently postedthe following : i really cannot beleive this forum, with all the swearing, moaning about donations and everything else, as well as arguing with each other. and being abusive, and unhelpful when people need your help more than ever. i find this unbeleivable for a forum who's main aim is helping others. or is it just for glory and money.there are other sites such as ( edit ) where there is none of this rubbish just freindly humour, and helpfulness what ever the situation your reply was to close the thread with the following comment We are helping people and so far it has not detered you from using the forum we do not tolerate swearing on the forum and when it is seen it is edited as there are over 30,000 users we have to sometimes rely on people reporting bad post , swearing will come under that. I for one am sick of our actions being scutenised by a small number of people . Thread closed why can you not take critisism and defend yourself rather than doing what seems to be the norm and spitting out your dummies, as for the swearing your mods are just as bad. i realise you have done some good work but that is put to shame when the abuse starts flying all i was trying to say is that there is none of that on stephens sight and if this is purely down to numbers then recruit more mods to deal with the situation, as i beleive it has got out of hand. why not see what everyone has to say without closing this thread, or are your members opinions not allowed.
  2. some people are sensitive and just want help and there is no need to scream at people because they cant find the information that they need this site seems to forget that some people have no computer skills at all and it may be there first time. yet they come here and get screamed out when all there looking for is help.
  3. i agree that funding is nesecary but not with the aggressive nature that this forum seems to feel is justified
  4. i really cannot beleive this forum, with all the swearing, moaning about donations and everything else, as well as arguing with each other. and being abusive, and unhelpful when people need your help more than ever. i find this unbeleivable for a forum who's main aim is helping others. or is it just for glory and money.there are other sites such as ( no advertising without admins permission ) there is none of this rubbish just freindly humour, and helpfulness what ever the situation
  6. yes must admit i have been in shock about it, but i will get them back, my solicitor is looking into unfair contract while i am doing the charges so its a two pronged attack, she is looking particularly at a clause that staes they can change my dd payment to insure i pay all costs by the end of the term which they obviously didnt do, brokers fee added to loan amount and charged interest on, and the fact that it was for a car which she implied makes it unenforceable, she was very vaque about these three reasons and i do not the legal side to them. if anyone can thow any light on these it would be appreciated:)
  7. cutting a long story short i took out a secured loan with igroup in september 2000 for £5000, i missed a couple of payments early on, when i was in a position to catch upi asked how much i owe to bring me up to date an paid that amount. i have never missed a payment since but in july 2005 i had a phone call from them to inform me that in 2 months time when the loan was complete i would still owe them £2500, because charges of around £600 from missed payments early on had never been paid and they had been piling interest on interest etc. as i was not aware of these charges, because they do not send statements (a common tactic i have since found out) i refused to pay so they took me to court for repossesion of my house, the jugde for some unknown reason would simply not listen and did not want to know if i owed the money or not, he even refused to consider the debt, and refused me permission to appeal, or pay the debt and has given them possession of my house in 28 days as of 7 days ago. apparantly igroup are well known for this i am now in the process of taking igroup to court including all interst added to the charges as well as all there costs they have added in trying to claim these charges back do not go near them
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