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Everything posted by theplantoperator

  1. if i will do that then all creditors will have to accept a lower repayment rate as the wages back home are lower.is there a minimum i have to pay or they will take the level of wages from back home in consideration? Also if we agree for an amount , will i pay that amount for the rest of my working period(until retirement)or there is a set time limit? also is banckrupcy an option considering that i'm not comming back?do i have to justify every penny to the court if i do that? i have a house home inherited from my grandparents,if i go bankrupt do they have acces to assets abroad?sorry for all these questions! Thanks for your reply!
  2. i will move back to Romania and i intend to go at the end of january on permanent basis( i will not come back)
  3. Hy everyone ,i'm new to this site and i need your help and informations. I will try to explain my situation as accurate as possible: I'm living in UK for 7 years now but i want to go back to my country. I have accumulateted some debts(aprox 20-25k) and i'm with a debt management company at the moment.my wife also has about 15k debt. I just want to get rid of the stress and go back but i can't just leave everything like this(the debt)as the creditors may follow me abroad. What options do i have???Thank you!
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