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Everything posted by tryintogetby

  1. Well done to you !!! hope that i can get the same result and thanks for your advice !!
  2. thanks ,i will try that and see what they say ,will let you know how i get on .
  3. thanks for that ,are they on hold with cccs ,and if so what did you say to them it was like 20 questions when i rang them ,thanks
  4. thankyou ,i have been watching your thread already so for the 1st credit one who would you send the sar to 1st credit or the original creditor ,i did send a cca to 1st credit in september ,nothing got sent to me they just said they would request it from the oc ,but havent heard a thing since .
  5. hi ,just an update ,i have called cccs about the payment to first credit ,they said that not to take them off the plan as it may upset them and they would go for court action ,i said to them that they had not produced a cca back in september so how could they and she said that they would probably produce one she said to call them and ask what i owed and by all means send for a breakdown of charges and try to see if i was missold the ppi so looks like i have to keep paying ,i didnt push it so i dont know what would have happened if i insisted they removd them from the plan .
  6. hi thank you all ,so sorry for my late reply internet has been down all evening ,i will do tha and see what they say ,will let you know ,havet called them about that today as i have spoke to them twice already they prob think i m a right pain one thing ,with my citi card the one i never got a cca for back in sept ,dont think that i actually sent a letter stating that it was in dispt even though i got no cca and they stopped calling etc ,should i send that before i stop payment or just stop anyway ,thanks
  7. hi ,i spoke to national debt line today and they said that if no credit agreement then they cannot enforce the debt and i could ask cccs to stop the payment and she couldnt see why they would objrct ,she did say however that if one appeared farer down the line then i would have to then put them back onto the dmp so i dont know.
  8. Hi ,right i have got my cccs statment out and found that they are paying my morgan stanley account to barclaycard and although i have never been informed ,it has a different account number and apparantly changed over in october last year ,cccs said i should have a statement sent at least once a year but i can call them for one if i want to ,but i have had nothing from morgan stanley /goldfish or barclaycard sinnce jan last year ,does anyone have the address to send an sar to or cca which is best to send in this case ,thanks
  9. hi thanks ,yes i think that this is the best route to go down have checked and hubby paid dep ,i made 2 x debit payments and my son made 3 x debit card payments so will try that i think ,i dont mind the cc company taking what is rightfully theirs(dep paid by hubby) but not the other payments ,thanks
  10. Hi DD yes national debtline do tell you because they have just told my mum after she has had some trouble with a cat company ,CCCS did tell me to cca 1st credit but only because they sent me a stat dmand and when i called them when i didnt recieve one they just told me to contact them if monhs down the line one turns up never said that it meant they could not enforce payment ,sometimes i do feel that they dont always know what they are talking about ,just depends who you speak to ,although my life is now not as stressful without the constant calls etc
  11. hi how do i get onto the barclaycard forum please ,thanks
  12. hi thankyou all ,i will have to think which is the best route ,will keep in touch ,and read some other threads about the ms one ,thankyou again
  13. oh so whats the best way to go ,could i send the sar and see which i am better off with or just stop paying confused now dont know what to do for the best
  14. thanks fox , i think i will sar them ,and try to claim back the ppi payments and charges if they have no cca then they have nothing to say i have asked for the ppi am i right ?dont know really if i took it or not it is so long since ,i will let you know how i get on with them both and thanks for your help ,much appreciated
  15. thanks i did send recorded and they sent back saying that they had requested it from citi ,then heard nothing and then about a month since i got a letter from connaught collections chasing it i sent them a letter stating that no cca had been sent and they replied saying that they had asked 1st credit for it ,still not heard anything from them .
  16. if they dont have an agreement would you stop paying them ,reason i ask is have an account with citi cards which got passed to first credit ,i sent them a cca after they sent me a stat demand i didnt aknoledge it but just sent the cca ,that was last sept and got nothing back ,thay dont bother me since then but are atill being paid via cccs ,i have noticed also though that i have been paying ppi on this and on my latest statment before the dmp was approx £15 per monh ,i have had this account for years at least eight i would say ,i reckon this would prob clear the balance if i could get this back ,what do you think
  17. hi fox ,thats a good idea i didnt realise that they got paid by them so what will happen when i get the sar back will they not like me trying to claim back charges etc
  18. ok i will do that ,cccs took all addresses from me to send details of my payments to so not sure if they will know cant see as it matters if i tell them its just to send an sar to them ,or does it am i best to not tell them
  19. thanks to both of you ,if barclaycard have it and i have nothing from them do you have anyidea what address i send it to and will i still have the same account number
  20. ps ,i cant even get a website up for either morgan stanley or goldfish just directs you to barclaycard and all the call numbers i have on my old statements just dont exist anymore ,thanks
  21. Hi thankyou ,i havent got a clue who has it now i have never had a statment from barclaycard and have had nothing from morgan stanley/goldfish since i went on the DMP i didnt even get any nasty letters telephone calls nothing when my payments got reduced by a massive amount so really dont know where to send it to !
  22. hi any help apprciated ,currently on a debt management plan and about to start to send a cca and sar for my morgan stanley card which was took over by goldfish ,i went onto my DMP jan 08 and have been paying morgan stanley through CCCS ever since so dont know how i stand with that ,but the thing is since starting on the DMP i havent had a single statment ,letter or anything from them ,although i can remember getting somthing to tell me that barclaycard was going to be taking them over but apart from that nothing ,i owe them about £8000 i reckon but havent got a clue what it will be now as have had nothing from them dont even know if they are recieving my cccs payments as they have the morgan stanley address ,where do i send the cca and sar to as i havent a clue ,the address i have on my last staement is goldfish dept7 pobox3598 glasgow g689yw,any help appreciated ,it would be nice if they had somehow forgot about me ,one less worry !
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