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  1. Yes he is the Registered Keeper of the vehicle. It is leased through Royal Bank of Scotland.
  2. Thanks to everyone for their really great advice. We now have an Out Of Time form and will be submitting this straight away. Thank you all. Kind Regards.
  3. Please can anyone help with some advice. My other half was caught in a junction in a London borough in June and the fine of £100 approx was sent to our previous address. He had updated his details of address through the car leasing company but had not changed this with the DVLA. THe occupant of the previous address kept on sending the fines back to sender which meant that the fine increased and subsequently a court injunction was made without us knowing of this. The new occupant managed finally to phone us and to inform us that bailiffs had been around to our old place and had demanded £620 from her. We phoned the bailiffs who told us that they would like the payment by Tuesday. The court has sent us forms to appeal (OOT Application) however will we have a case to fight the charges? How can a fine increase from £100 to £600? All details have now been changed subsequently with the DVLA. Would appreciate any advice! Many Thanks
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