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  1. I would sound a note of caution wrt to cancelling a credit card. I believed I cancelled a credit card only for a transaction to appear on it. In my case is was a continous authority, which I had forgotten to ask to be cancelled. (You as the card holder can't cancel a credit card transaction or continous authority, this has can only be done by the company taking the payment or the credit card company). Its better to think of it as the account lying dormant. If a transaction hits the account it will awaken it and a statement will come to you for payment.
  2. Good question - where could I find information on the what constitutes a properly drawn up TRO
  3. Thanks - I checked the council website and they do have a TRO in place for that car park
  4. I parked in my local council car park today and the owner of the car next to me had over-stayed his/her time on the pre-paid ticket. The attendant working in the car park has slapped a "Penalty Charge Notice" on the car windscreen, which looked identical to ones they issue when you park on the street. It had the usual stuff about it mustn't be "removed by unauthorised persons". I had always presumed these council run carparks were private land (owned by the council) and therefore breach of contract was the legal position. Can the council somehow make it such that a Penalty Charge Notice could be issued for overstaying???
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