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  1. Received reply form Crapot the original lender is experiencing delay in retrieving info from their archives. As a gesture of goodwill they are putting my account on hold. Very kind of them................. so what happens to the default that they sent? Also does anyone know if what Mrogan Stanly did with this debt is OK? I was never told they were selling it on. Thanks Osconc
  2. Hi Laccal, yes that is exactly what crapot told me, the law changed in October...... not sure if they do have the power to issue default. Also i nver had anything from Morgan Stanley telling me that they had sold the debt on. Osconc
  3. Hi Italianguy, im not qualified to advise, there are many people on here able to give help and advise. First i would suggest that you start a new thread for your issue with Crapot that way people can leave you advice and help specific to your situation. Maybe you should send the CCA request to Crapot 1st and see what they say, no point dealing with them on the phone they talk a load drivvel and only wind you up. Osconc
  4. Thanks Fox, what about the default letter they sent? Also im confused about SAR what is this? Thanks Osconc
  5. Today i recieved 2 letters from Crapot, 1 for notice of arrears and 1 acknowledging my CCA request. Although they do state that they are not obliged to provide this information, but pleased to help! They have also returned the PO and anticipate to provide this within 12 days. Also on this notice it looks like they think i owe more than when they sent me a statement in december even though the DMA are still paying them. FredBasset/Silverfox idid reply to your questions, any help you can give is much appreciated. Cheers Osconc
  6. Thanks Lunar Jim. I just been reading the default notice again, there is a section that states that the account may be referred to a DCA, i thought Crapot were a DCA?
  7. Hi people, its gone quiet...... I have sent the CCA letters off today.... still worried about this default though....... Oscarconc
  8. Hi SF thanks, i just checked my credit file, it looks like Morgan Stanly never default this, i have printed file dated 2007 which say Morgan stanley, now my file say Cabot and its 2 months in arrears, which should not be as Allclear have been making the payments to them. Hi FB, yes have still got the envelope, the default was dated 28 Jan 09 need to pay 61.41 by 17/02/09. Which is ****ed me off, as Allclear should be dealing with this and stopping things like this, thats what i pay them £50 a month for! Cheers guys Osconc
  9. hi people, im panickin now....... cabot have sent me a default notice, i do not understand this as Allclear are paying them everymonth. I also check my credit file and the cabot are saying that its in arrears. Need to get these CCA letters off asap? But do i still continue to pay Allclear? Help please:(
  10. Hi Guys, ive been away for a while for personal reasons, now im back, im detrermined to get all this sorted and delt with. Thanks for your advice so far........ I just want to be sure that i am doing the right thing. When i send the CCA letter to all concerned, still keep paying Allclear for the short term, to pass this money onto the people money is owed? Thanks
  11. Thanks....... I am unsure as to where to obtain the CCA letters there seems to be many floating about on here. So send these to all concerned even those where the debt has been passed on like the OD and Loan that used to be Sharklys?
  12. Hi SH, thanks, im new to all this but really want to sort out. I am with Allclear for the debt management, the others they pay are Odraft from Barc now with another company also a loan account from Barclys now with CSL, and egg and RBS credit card, together with crapbot. I have been looking at many threads and i am now confused as to what i should be sending and to whom. You mention a CCA....... Allclear distribute the monies each month to the relevent companies. I am slowly sinking as i havebeen with Allclear for nearly 6 years, when they took evrything over they said i would be debt free in 4!!!!!! How nieve i was!!!! Suggestions greatly appreciated. OC
  13. Hi everyone, i have recently joined, and have been overwelmed with all the information that is provided here. I am in a situation with Cabot who have started to say my account is in arrears although i pay a Debt Management Co a set amount each month to distribute to 4 other companies also. The debt management company do not seem to be letting Cabot know that is all they are getting. Also the Original debt was with Morgan Stanly then all of a sudden in June I receive a letter from Cabot telling me my account is arrears, no welcome letter as i have read that some people seem to get!!! Stupidly i paid the arrears amount and now they are saying that its in arrears again as the Debt management Co are not paying what cabot want. Basically i am unsure what to do next or how to deal with this, any help suggestions would be greatly appreciated
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