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Everything posted by rooferboy03

  1. Hi all after about 9 months of waiting i finally received what 1st say is my credit agreement.About 20 pages of guff with all sorts of info including a few statements.Nowhere is there a signature or even anywhere you could put one.Is this enforceable.I beleive it is just copies of t&c's etc that might have been relevant to the time Cheers RB
  2. Sorry for delay in answering The writ is in the ltd company name so i presume they cannot come after me for it Cheers RB
  3. Hi all I came home today to find a letter delivered by hand from Marston Group I think it takes the form of a high court writ and was formerly a ccj. The background of this is that when i was in business i failed to pay one of my creditors and i was taken to court and was issued a ccj.I presume that because i did not pay it was upgraded to a high court writ. This debt is a limited company debt so am i correct in thinking that my own goods etc cannot be levied on to pay this debt. The company has not traded in any form since late in 2008 and the bank accounts have been closed.The company has not yet been wound up but has no assetts or premises from which any funds can be raised. My home address was only used as an administrative address and the companies registered address was with my accountant. My question is really how do i stand and what do i do now? This Actually happened with another creditor but with a different High court enforcement officer and in the end because they could not get anything from the company i ended up settling personally for about half of the original debt. Thanks in advance
  4. HI Yes i wish now i had contested it although the summons came through to my home addess in the company name.I use my home address for business address but it is not the reegistered business address.Hope that makes sense. RB
  5. Do you refer to TAX issues, as that department is all but sorted. I received a letter from companies house about impending company removal stating that if we wish the company to be removed then there is no need to respond.They will put a notice in the relevant newspaper at the appropriate time(sorry but trying not to give too much away). Do you think I should just roll with it and let events take their own course. RB
  6. Thanks for all the help.As far as legal action is concerned they have already made a claim in Northampton county court but i did not respond to claim so that is why they are threatening me with the writ.Can they enforce it in an other way. Cheers RB
  7. yes it was and i guess still is a limited comp as it is not yet wound up RB
  8. Hi all looking for some advice. Basically i have received a letter from DG Solicitors about a business debt that i have.They are threatening me with a high court writas the debt is over £600.My business has stopped trading and i am now unemployed and claiming jsa.The debt is in my business name, so my question is can they come to my home and take my goods?.I have no business premises and the business registered address was at my accountants.The company has not been wound up but has no assets.Am i personally liable for this debt.and if they do send the bailiffs round can they make me pay.I have been avoiding winding up as this is expensive and i have no way of paying for it.HELP NEEDED Thanks RB
  9. Thanks Blade My cca request is ready to go off in post and we we will see what happens.1stcrud did not follow through so you might be right about them selling on again.Are Con Men collections anything to do with 1st crud in any way or are they completely different company? Thanks RB
  10. Hi all sorry not been on for a long time. Since my stat demand was not set aside i had heard nothing until a letter came from connaught collections saying that they were in control of the debt and that i have seven days to contact them because they are going to issue a stat demand and want me to call them to arrange time & date for service, or they would serve it any way. The funny thing is that 1st credit never did comply with my cca request so should i now send the same request to con-men collections. Any advice much appreciated RB
  11. I know it sounds incredible does'nt it. I even stated about the way in which they served the SD and his reply was it doen'nt matter how they served it the fact is they have. He said i had no grounds to show that the sd should be set aside. I am obviously now just waiting for the leeches to make their next move and see what happens RB
  12. Hi All I am a bit dismayed about the outcome of my set aside hearing as it did not go well. The Judge dismissed my case entirely basicall saying you owe it you pay it. He was not interested in any points of law or anything else i had to say. He did however produce paperwork from the other side that they downloaded from this site, specifically information given out by 42man. He then said that all i had done was copied my affidavit from the internet and he was not impressed. I told him that i did seek help from the forum and that my affidavit was my own creation from my research into the site. They have still not produced a cca, but does this really matter now as it seems they have been given the green light by the judge to do what ever they like. At this time i am very dispondent and am just waiting to see what evil trickery they come up with next Thanks RB
  13. Hi all Sorry i have been offline for a while. have got a set aside hearing next week so will keep you informed of the outcome. Have not received cca in the 12 day period so presumably they are now in default Cheers RB
  14. Sorry for being a bit thick, but what do you mean when you say allow them to discontue RB
  15. Hi all Papers have been sworn in so i guess it's a waiting game to wait for a set aside hearing date. Since receiving the SD !st credit kept ringing me constantly for about 10 days but they have not now phoned for at least a week. Do you think they were waiting to see if i would apply for a set aside or just hoping that i would'nt so they could then petition me for bankruptcy. Any thoughts much appreciated.
  16. So is the letter correct in it's content and is it good, bad or indifferent Thanks
  17. Thanks 42 man will have a good read and get back to you I take it i will have to type all this rather than paste it. Rooferboy
  18. Hi guys is there anybody out there who can help with filling out my affidafit as per post above, really need to get it sorted today. any help much appreciated.
  19. Hi 42 man filling out my affidafit,what should i use as my defence to get set aside as i didn'nt send cca until after i received stat demand. any help much appreciated
  20. Hi All Thanks for the encouragement & advice, I have today posted the cca request and tomorrow I will go to my local court and sort out the set aside issue. I was wondering though what it actually entails and what issue it should be based on and who I should see when i get there.Any info much appreciated as I am a bit aprehensive. Thanks
  21. Thanks for the info The thing i'm wondering about is weather to act on the SD . of course if i do that would give the game away that i received it. I think what i will do is send for cca and see what the outcome is. Do you think that is the way to go? Thanks
  22. Hi all, I am a newbie to these forums so lease forgive me if i don't make any sense. My problem is i have received a statutory demand from 1st credit for a credit card i am a home owner so presumably they will go after the house which i must add is almost in negative equity. should i ask the county court for a set aside straight away or should i send a cca to them and just pretend that the stat demand was not receivedas it was sent by normal post and not signed for by me or anyone else in the house. I did have a payment arrangement with them but as i did,nt have the money for the second payment the dd was cacelled, when i realised what had happened i telephoned them to re-instate the arrangement but they would not have any of it. It was full payment or nothing!! They have been calling me constantly for weeks now but i have ignored them,presumably they have been trying to get hold of me to verify that i received the stat demand but obviously i dont wish them to know so i wont tell them. The original debt was with citifinancial europe ltd if that helps. Any advice would be much appreciated Thanks
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