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Posts posted by LarissaJ

  1. Thanks Malc.


    You are pretty much right with what you say, although we didn't move into the property until months after the previous owners left. The final meter readings that the previous owner agreed on the date they moved out, were the same readings we gave to OVO. So there would've been no overlap for eon. It has now been passed to Wescot credit, so I suspect that this deemed contract has been cancelled? I did try to create an online account to speak to somebody again, but it said there was no account?


    Hello LarissaJ and sorry for the late reply. Only just spotted your post.



    I have to say, I’m guessing a lot here but it sounds like we already supplied the property when you took over responsibility on completion. I also suspect the previous owner told us of the change of responsibility so their account could be closed. This automatically leads to another account being set up to cover the usage going forward. As the existing supplier, you would’ve become our customer as soon as energy was used under what’s known as a deemed contract. These are used throughout the energy industry to take away the need to disconnect supplies when responsibility for properties changes. Makes it easier for those moving in.



    Did you then contact Ovo to take over the supply? Did you contact us at any time to let us know you were now responsible for the property?



    Changes of supply go through in about two and a half weeks so, I suspect, the amount we’re asking for is to cover the period between you taking over ownership and the change of supply going through. If this is the case, we’ll have issued a final bill showing the start and end dates as well as the meter readings used. If you believe these are wrong, I’d suggest talking to our Home Moves specialists (contact details are on our website). Let them see the Change of Ownership document (they only need to see the relevant dates and not anything personal) to establish the date you became responsible for the property.



    Do you have meter readings for when you took over responsibility and for when Ovo took over? If you do and these are different from what’s been used, again, our Home Moves team will be able to use these to rebill the final bill accurately.



    Sorry if my speculation is off track LarissaJ and for all the questions but hope this helps point you in the right direction.




  2. Hi there, looking for some advice on how best to handle this situation.


    We bought a new house, but rented it for 3 months prior to completion. We did not live in the house until the completion date, so the gas and electricity meters were started that day, with OVO energy, which was the same meter readings given by the previous owners, when they left.


    Unbeknown to me, the previous owner had given Eon (her supplier) my name and they have been contacting me to pay just over £300.


    I have spoken to EON on the telephone, to put them in the picture and have returned emails, but they kept sending the demands. They have now sent it to Arvato, who have strangely said that the balance is £40


    They obviously have no signed contract or anything from me, as they only know my name from the previous owner. What is the best course of action?


    Thanks in advance

  3. Scanners broke, so I'll type it


    This letter is to inform you that with effect from april 2014 under a written agreement with park motor fiance limited

    your credit agreement referred to above has been purchased by five rivers


    this means that park motor finance limited has transferred to five rivers the outstanding balance in respect of your agreement

    as at the date above together with all its rights and interest in the agreement with you.

    this is out formal letter to you notifying you of the transfer


    what action do you need to take?


    five rivers has engaged us, bluestone credit management limited to act as its asset manger

    and we will mange your agreement on five rivers behalf.


    all contact in relation to your agreement should be directed to us with immediate effects,

    you can contact us in the following ways:


    - bla bla bla


    from now on, you must make all payments under your agreement to bluestone.

    any formally payment arrangement that you have in place will continue.

    please contact bluestone on bla bla if you are paying by diret debit or continuous care payment.


    if you are making payment by standing order or bank transfer,

    pleased change the beneficiary details to the following before your next payment:


    acc number

    sort code etc. etc.


    if you are not currently making payments,

    please contact us on 01142317485 s that we can learn more about your circumstances,

    discuss the range of options that are available and find one that is right for you.


    payment can be made using the following methods - bla bla bla


    Further details


    although the transfer does not affect the terms of your agreement,

    you should note that from now on, no variation, amendment, release or waiver of your obligation

    to make payments may be made or granted without our prior written consent.


    please note that any queries relating to the sale of payment protection or gap insurance will still be dealt with by park motor finance


    for the purpose of the data protection act 1988, five rivers in now the data controller for your account.


    yours sincerely

    bluestone credit management limited

  4. Hi,I am opening a new thread as my existing one,

    is old and very long, plus most is irrelvant now and i think the length is putting

    people off commenting on my recent develpmets - here is old thread for reference




    I took car finance out, paid over a third but missed one payment.


    I was never informed of this missed payment, but then received a DN.


    The default notice was faulty and they terminated the agreement.


    It went to court, was adjourned and whilst waiting for the next hearing, the car was stolen.


    The finance company was paid by the insurance, plus they had sold me gap insurance, so paid out by that too.


    However they had added on lots of penalty charges for various letters and phone calls,

    so there was still a balance.


    I have refused to pay this balance as it is penalty charges.



    For the last few years I have haeard nothing from them except for default sums notices,

    but now I have recived a letter of assignment, assigning it to bluestone credit management.


    What I really want to ask you experts, is what should I do now?


    I don't want to ignore it, but dont know whether it is best to send a sar, cca or cpr request to bluestone.


    I dont want to be dealing with a stat demand or a ccj.


    Can anybody help?

  5. Right we've to the bottom of it, my partner phoned the hmcts and it isn't for his recent speeding fine.


    They managed to trace it back from july 2007 when they said he was caught with no tax.


    He has never been caught with no tax and all correspondence up until now has been going to our old address, so this marston letter is the first he's heard of it.


    The court have booked him in to make a statutory declaration next week and the bailiffs have been put on hold.

    What a polarvar!


    The only thing we can think of, is that his van was cloned by travellers around that time as they were caught fly tipping so it all came to light.


    thanks for your help guys, I would never have thought to phone the court, I just thought it was a bogus letter!

  6. Yes, but he got the letter v late and had already missed 2 of the first payments, (he's paid them now) but he also received this bailiffs letter, which is dated 2 days before the first due date, at the same time because he'd been away, so that's another reason why we didn't think it was the same case. He received no other letters

  7. He does have a magistrates court fine, which he is to pay £10 a week, but this is for a different amount and the ref number is completely different, so don't think it can be the same one. I will get him to telephone the court tomorrow and check it, thanks guys! ps the client is described as HMCTS Greater Manchester but the magistrates was a different court

  8. Hi there, wondering if anybody can help me shed any light on this. My partner has received a letter from a company called Marston with a client HMCTS and a client ref which he doesn't recognise.


    its also for an amount that he doesn't recognise


    they are stating that they are in receipt of a magistrates court order which he also has no idea about.


    Is this a legitimate company and how can I find out what it's for without telephoning them?

  9. Hi guys, another update! Not heard much from these for ages, but have now just had a letter from Amex offering me to pay just 40% but unfortunately, I still cant afford this. They have also sent (separately) a statement of account and on it, it says:- "Your account is cancelled and has been referred to a collections agency. The full balance is now due, so to avoid any further action please pay the closing balance reflected on the statement immediately" Is the faulty DN still making it unenforceable, or have things changed now?

  10. hi there,

    can you help please?


    My partner has just checked his bank statements and has noticed that he's been paying for insurance on his phone for over 12 months.


    He didn't even know that he had this insurance, doesn't need it or want it.


    He was with carphonewarehouse for years,

    but then got his most recent phone from orange,

    but the insurance is still from carphonewarehouse.


    He's sure that he never signed for it.


    there any scope for him to try to get a refund, or should he have noticed this going out of his bank and acted sooner?

  11. Hi all, sorry for the late update, the school have now decided to let me pay it in installments :-) So I'm happy now and have already paid half of it! It turned out that it was the council (who provide the meals) that have set down the rule that anybody in arrears must take in a packed lunch and not the school. The school too were only informed of the bounced cheque a few weeks ago, so they couldn't inform me earlier. Thanks for all your help!

  12. Thanks for your reply! She goes to a special school, so all the professionals are based there. I never thought of going to my MP, but I suspect this will be more of a long process, and I hope to have paid the debt off within 3 months, hopefully sooner. I am quite annoyed that they gave me such short notice and are now not allowing any extra time to pay it, also because it's not been kept confidential.

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