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  1. Hi Tirnanog They did acknowledge my letter. Does that make a difference?
  2. Hi All I've received the 'Notice to owner of intent to issue court procedings' letter that i'm just going to ignore. The letter reads as follows: DO NOT IGNORE THIS NOTICE FOR PARKING vehicle registration mark xxxxxxx in a CONTROLLED PARKING ZONE at anpr charging scheme std (60-100) Pennine Centre (anpr) on 18 Oct 2008 whereby the said vehicle contravened CODE '94' (parked without displaying a valid ticket/permit) and a Parking Charge Notice was sent through the post which remains unpaid. YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED that unless the amount as detailed below is in our hands within 7 DAYS from the date hereof we may without further notice to yourselves immediately institute proceedings against you for recovery of the said amount. AMOUNT OUTSTANDING £100 FAILURE TO PAY THIS NOTICE MAY RESULT IN COURT PROCEEDINGS BEING TAKEN AGAINST YOU WHICH MAY LEAD TO A WARRANT BEING ISSUED TO THE BAILIFFS. SHOULD YOU WISH TO AVOID COURT PROCEDINGS WHICH MAY RESULT IN YOU INCURRING COUST FEES SOLICITORS COSTS AND ACCRUING INTEREST YOU MUST PAY WITHIN 7 DAYS OF THE ISSUE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. COURT FEE £30 SOLICITORS SCALE COSTS £50 I am not paying this. Which template letter should i send them back?
  3. Thanks A127 - feel more confident about the forthcoming dispute! Think i will pursue the DDA Act avenue and find out what their 'practce' means in the light of that particular duty - will keep posting updates here.
  4. Thanks for all the replies and especially Tirnanog for the extensive one! I've gone past the PCN payment date so i'm just waiting for the next letter at which point i'll use one of the templates to reply. I've briefly looked at Martin Lewis and feel even more confident that i shouldn't pay for a PCN. I'm sure the next letter will be arriving shortly!
  5. Hi Tirnanog and A127 Thanks for the replies and the useful info. I'm definitely not paying the £60 or the £100 that will be issued from tomorrow. If i'd broken or violated a Traffic Act or law then i'd pay but this is ludicrous. I'm not sure where they stand on the DDA Acts 1995 & 2006 as they haven't made 'reasonable adjustment' for those people who may have reading difficulties and therefore can't 'make themselves aware of the terms and conditions of parking'. Does being in a dispute affect our credit rating? I'm a bit worried about that. I'd be interested in your correspondence Tinanog
  6. No it says 'notice' - what are the stickies?
  7. Hi Tirnanog Mine was in the Pennine Centre in Halifax town centre. I was late for an appointment and just pressed all the buttons to get a ticket. I left within time and didn't give it a second thought. When i received the first letter i thought that the ticket must have blown off the dashboard when i closed the door so i wrote to them with a copy of the ticket saying here's proof of my payment sorry it wasn't displayed (i had no idea who they were then). They wrote back saying that because i hadn't typed in the right registration then it was invalid and i'd contravened 'code 94' and was liable for a fine. They warn in the letter that failure to pay will result in court action and debt recovery. I'm trying to find out where i legally stand on that.
  8. Hi All I committed a 'code 94' violation for inputting the wrong registration in the machine and even though i bought a ticket and left within the expiry time they want £60 for contravening 'code 94'. I'm not paying them and i'm willing to go to court. Any advice anyone? Cheers Marshmallow
  9. Can anyone please advise? I received a Parking charge notice from Excel for £60 because i contravened 'code 94'. Initially i thought it was because the ticket had fallen from sight so i wrote back explaining that i had bought a ticket but it must have blown off the dashboard when i closed the door. However they wrote back telling me it was because i had entered the wrong digits in the machine and those digits did not match my registration number. I'm not paying as i paid for the ticket and left within the expiry limit. Any advise on what i should do next?
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