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Everything posted by Lonsdale1

  1. I do actually believe that cash is always better than goods, so would ask Martson's to accept a payment scheme from you. You would need to pay the first payment in cash / credit card, so they have cleared funds and maybe send post dated cheques thereafter. As they already have your car, they would be unwilling to return it until all the fees are paid. I not entirely sure, but if you show you are willing to pay and demonstrate this by making a payment, they should see some sense. It maybe best to seek some professional advice. First hour is uaually free with a solicitor You're in a difficult postion when they have goods. I'm not sure what you owe and unsure what a PCN is, but if your car is worth less than you owe them, it would be in their interest to get cash payments from you. Good luck! Un masked 'Dick Turpins' are all they are!!!
  2. Thankyou for this information, I'll ensure that the letters are completed and sent to them today. I did not sign any agreement that lets them sieze any goods, however, I have recieved today, yet another note saying 'the excecution has not been settled and now write to give fair warning that my officers will attend my premises with REMOVAL CONTRACTORS on 19/11/08.' They go on to say that I should budget for approximately £300.00 for the first hour or part thereof and £250.00 per hour thereafter. This is a copy of an email I sent to them on 24th October 2008: Thankyou for your text message. I would like to make my proposals to finalise the payments due to your client ***** UK limited. So I can calculate what I can afford, I require you to show me a detailed account of all monies paid to date, (together with receipts) and what is outstanding, including any of your costs, which may or may not be applicable. I will not telephone your office due to the abrupt, rude and threatening manner in which your officers seem to conduct themselves. Therefore, until I am convinced that their tone has improved, I would like to converse via e-mail. ******* ******** Again they have my wife's address, which they will attend. She has telephoned me and said she is extremely frightened and annoyed at the situation.
  3. John Martson were appointed HCEO's for a debt I owed. I agreed to pay by monthly installments to them, but due to lack of income, my last cheque to them was returned by my bank. Martson wrote to tell me this and I contacted their office to come to a solution. They told me that I could not make new proposals and that the debt should be made in cleared funds that day otherwise they would send removal contractors in to seize goods. I informed them that I did not have the monies available that day and wished to make a new schedule of payments. They said this was not possible. I told them I had moved from my Wife's house, as we were splitting up and she was seeking a divorce. She asked me to ensure that baliffs would not visit her house. (it belongs solely to her and I have no claim on her house) Despite this an officer did call when my wife was out and left a note. She beacame furious with me for allowing an officer to call. I called John Marston and they said she would need to contact them to stop them calling at her house. Since, they have now declared that I can make new arrrangements, but now their charges have gone up to £1,200. I asked for a breakdown, which I was told I would not get, but have this morning recieved a letter saying they are based on HCEO Regulations 2004 at shedule 3. I believe they have charged for a visit, although they did know I was not residing at the address they had on file, so it was fruitless. Do they need to show a breakdown of their costs, plus, why did they say I could not make a new payment agreement when clearly I can. Are they deliberately doing this to increase their revenue? I have tried to converse by email, as I wish to record the events, plus I find them agressive and intimidating, so do not wish to speak with them on the telephone. The officer contacted me by my mobile last week and declared that I should not contact him by e-mail as he 'does not work this way' Your comments would be appreciated. Many thanks
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