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  1. Congratulations, largebear. Well done! :lol::lol: Only just seen your posting - hubby's health's been iffy since Christmas, work manic, and desperately trying to juggle 2 Open Uni courses (should have BSc end of 2010 so light at last starting to show at the end of that tunnel). Need a few more hours in each day. On annual leave until next Monday so now catching up on some things I haven't had time for, including emails! Still being hassled by RW (see my latest postings). I've now sent a Recorded reminder to Barclays about the SAR (as per Information Commisioner's website) and tomorrow will Record a request for a copy of the original, signed CCA. No light at the end of the tunnel where this is concerned unfortunately, but I'm praying I get the same outcome you have ...... Keep your fingers crossed for us. Cheers JayW
  2. Thanks for the link to the Information Commissioner site, cerberusalert. I had a look and according to them I must now send a reminder about the SAR to Barclays and await a reply to that. If I then get no response I can report them to the IC for them to take action. So that's what I'm now going to do, enclosing also a CCA request at the same time. Watch this space! Cheers JayW
  3. I see there's a guest 'watching' this posting - wonder who that may be? Hi, guest!
  4. Thanks, cerberusalert. Any thoughts about me sending SAR and CCA request to RW as well as Barclays? I'm not sure the best approach to take now where RW are concerned. Cheers Jay
  5. I've been quiet lately as not much has been happening. I had a reply from RW following my letter re: the threatened visit - simply 'on hold whilst your query being investigated'. Now they've resorted to sending me an exact copy of the original letter they sent me when I responded to their first one - 'we've contacted Barclays who say they already provided the info you asked for' ... (i.e. the original paperwork going back years') ' ... now pay up'. Barclays have certainly never even acknowledged my SAR let alone provided the info I asked for. I think now I'm going to send Barclays a CCA request too, it'll be worth £1. I'm wondering though - should I also send a SAR and CCA request to RW themselves? Or is it better to just ignore them? And am I right in thinking that by ignoring my SAR Barclays have actually broken some law and I should report them to someone? I was thinking if I send an SAR and CCA request to RW as well and they ignore it, then it would put them at fault too. Any advice most welcome! Cheers and a Happy Easter Jay
  6. Update from earlier posting .... isn't it always the way - you're looking for something and find something you searched for previously! I've found the template letter re: home visits so I'm going to send that to RW a.s.a.p. I'm at work all day weekdays and my husband's at home constantly due to his health problems, and he really DOESN'T need some CA representative knocking at the door causing hassles. Grrrr!
  7. Hi folks, it's been a long time! Which I guess is a good sign. Barclays signed for the SAR on 11th December. They've now had their 40 days plus about 10 more to be generous. I haven't even had so much as an acknowledgement from them let alone the statement and records requested. RW are still hassling me (of course!), despite my sending them a recorded delivery letter advising them that I am in contact with Barclays (or trying to be!) and re-iterating that they should conact me in writing only. The Royal Mail website shows it was signed for. They've rung numerous times (good old Caller ID function on phones, what would we do without it?) and as soon as we see the dialling code we know exactly who it is. They even resorted to leaving voice-messages asking me to ring. So far I'm printing off any letter I've sent with a copy of the receipt note held by Royal Mail for the delivery. I'm filing them in a folder, with any letters I receive too. A few days ago they sent me their latest letter saying that they are going to send round one of their local collectors 'to come to a payment arrangement with me'. I guess I'd better write again confirming that I dispute the debt. I'm sure I remember seeing somewhere that unless the collector is from a court then they have no legal right to call and I can treat them as a trespasser. I think there was a letter template which can be sent to the CA to this effect, but I've had a look and can't find it easily. Can anyone point me in the right direction if they know it's whereabouts please? I've had this years' Open University courses start so time is now very precious as with my full-time job and studying I can't afford to spend too much time doing other things. My employers are paying for my OU courses so I can't afford to flunk them by not putting enough time into it! Re: Barclays, I'm not sure where it should go next. Should I send a request for a copy of the CCA as I hadn't done this before? Or Does Barclays' ignoring the SAR make this irrelevant. Am I right in thinking that since the SAR I sent is effectively a legal document that Barclays have actually broken some law by not complying within the specified time? Should I let RW know the details of what I've done? One thing is certain, if anyone calls they're not getting a foot over the threshold. Any more advice would be wonderful as I'm uncertain which is the best way to approach this now. Hope you all had a really good Christmas and let's hope 2009 will be a good 'un!:grin:
  8. A quick update - nothing much to tell. Still waiting for a response to my SAR. Have had a couple of attempted calls from RW but we have caller display on our phone and I now recognise the dialling code and the call is ignored. My husband's back in hospital (ambulance job at 3am last Sunday), better news today as his consultant is really pleased with his progress and reckons there's a good chance he'll be home this weekend. Quite frankly with all that's been happening lately I've better things to do than talk to RW! Christmas greetings to all. JayW
  9. A play in 1 act: Scene - our living room. Phone rings Me: Hello Voice: Can I speak to *** Me: Speaking Voice: My name is ***** of RW, I have some security questions ... Me: Please can all communications now be only in writing. Voice: Oh. Well I still need to ask ... Me: In writing only please. Thanks. Goodnight. Puts down phone. End. I hope I handled this OK. It certainly made me feel better. Maybe I should now send them a recorded letter stating that communications only to be in writing? Just to confirm the point. After all, as has been pointed out, phone calls don't really mean much unless they're recorded.
  10. I'm only going to correspond with RW if/when necessary. Have added an update to my thread following call from them earlier. As I said, it was so long back, and with so much happening over last 5 years with husband's ongoing illness and myself being seriously ill August 2003 (emergency major surgery,long period off work recouperating) etc I sometimes have difficulty remembering things from 6 months ago, let alone several years! So the subject of a Certificate of Satisfaction is a bit of a blur. I really don't recall. Trouble is, I always thought that once something had been 'laid to rest', after 5 years (it's actually 6, I know that now) it was defunct, so I've tended to dispose of stuff on that basis as we just don't have the space to keep a lifetime's worth of paperwork! The only thing we've ever kept indefinitely is payslips and pension stuff. JayW
  11. What I sent Barclays is a Subject Access Request rather than a CCA request so I guess 40 days is the answer. And yes, it sounds like being CAGBOTTED could be rather painful - having bits cut out would be! Cheers Jacqui
  12. When I said 'bank charges' I was referring to a Credit Card so may have been a bit misleading - I know the issue of bank account charges as such is still legally pending and any claims in respect of them are kind of 'on hold' by the banks, awaiting the outcome of the court decision. But the £12, although not a legally determined amount, does seem to have become accepted as a fair charge. Certainly the amount I got from First Direct was the amount I'd put in a claim for minus the £12 per transaction, but I pretty much expected that and settled for it rather than go to the hassle of pushing for the full amount. I'm trying for the charges on my current account too but like all the others this is on hold. The sooner I can cut ties with First Direct the happier I'll be. Cheers JayW
  13. Thanks also fedup74, but now I really AM confused as your's and Fred's postings give different replies. By the way, as a newbie some earlier posts went straight over my head - what on earth is 'being cagbotted?' It sounds painful! Cheers JayW
  14. Didn't the OFT set £12 as being a fair charge for any late payment/overdraft fees etc? I did manage recently to get £275 back from First Direct for bank charges, although they've offset it against the loan I'm still paying off so I never actually saw any money. But it's this loan I have in mind re: checking the CCA. You said 'all the charges' - I assume that's just late payment charges etc (the full amount, not deducting £12) rather than interest etc? Cheers JayW
  15. Thanks again Fred. Now I'm just hoping that I DON'T get the required info from Barclays before 2009 - then it would pretty much be game, set and match to me - but the way our luck goes it could never be that simple ..... Cheers JayW
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