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Everything posted by VimtoVTS

  1. Hi Everyone, just joined as i, or rather my girlfriend, has a problem with her letting agency. The problem is with a power shower that the letting agency has installed in her flat before she took up the tenency. It was even sold to her as a feature of the flat. The fact is that my girlfriend raised concern about the noise at her three monthly visit from the letting agent but she was told that they didn't seem to think it was much of a problem.. Now it seems that the pump is rather loud and the person in the flat below has complained to her letting agency. It transpiers that the landlord ( or letting agency not sure which) has changed the type of hot water cylinder which, it seems, is breaching the lease on the property. So the upshot of this is they put in a pump bypass so it could be turned off at night this was agreed by all parties as just about acceptable. Less than two weeks later; my girlfriend was called at work today and told they want to take away the pump altogether leaving a shower thats more of a dribble than a shower. This has upset her quite a bit as the non pumped shower is not strong enough for her to wash her (rather long) hair. Were dose she stand legally? Also its worth mentioning that they have almost bullied her into accepting this as the only way the problem can be solved. Any advise you can provide would be warmly welcomed. Many Thanks Vimto
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