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  1. hi,i am also having problems with marstons,they are demanding 300 pounds within the next 3 days then another 300 pounds 7 days after,they will not accept any type of payment plan.this fine is for no tv licence,the origanal fine was 375 they have sent 2 letters at the cost of 50 pound a piece the rest is admin fees.they called at my address today stating that if we dont pay then they will remove goods also that a warrant will be issued for me and once arrested i wont be released until full amount is paid?.can anybody help,thanks
  2. hi,this is my first time using 1 of these sites,hopefully someone will be able to help.Ive recently had a visit off Marstons regarding a fine for not having a tv licence,i had just moved address and forgot to inform the correct people,a guy turns up from licensing and sorted the problem(apperantly)only to turn up 4 week later saying the same thing,turns out a spelling mistake was the problem,he went away saying ignore any letters regarding this matter,next thing we know marstons are knocking on the door demanding 600 pound when i explained that i am currently out of work and the wife only works part time they shrugged that off and told me i had 3 days to pay half the balance and 7 days after that to clear the balance.I have emailed tv licensing regarding this matter but not had a reply yet.Marstons are saying that they will remove my goods or i will be arrested and kept in custody till the amount is paid.I dont know what to do regarding this with such short time till christmas and no work i am stuck so any information would be grateful,thanks steve
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