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  1. Not so fast ODC--In previous correspondencve they state that " ...in view of the unsatisfied CCJ dated 1994 in connection with is case, and your last payment being made against that in 2004...." Must have decided that they were going to get a kicking in the County Court in view of no action on this since last payemnt made 10 years ago....!! Probably would have meant more costs and no surety of a satisfactory outcome for them....!! Thanks again Largebear
  2. Thanks for that!! It was such a relief. The buggaires at RW are just a shower of thieves using public ignorance to fill their boots. I am not an expert but I stuck with the advice ODC passed me on this thread, and after carefully filling in all the blanks corrrectly, so that the letter you send out makes sense in your case, then you must stand a good chance of kicking them into touch!! Lets us all know!!! Largebear
  3. Hi All! DELIGHTED to state here and now that I have had the definitive letter from Robinson Way stating the matter is no longer being pursued. This must be in direct if a tad delayed response to the letter suggested above by ODC. Thats £3,925.17 they will not be getting by their crappy duplicitous methods. Thanks to everyone. "GIVE A FIRE TO A DEBT COLLECTOR AND YOU WILL KEEP HIM WARM FOR A DAY--BUT SET FIRE TO A DEBT COLLECTOR AND YOU'LL KEEP HIM WARM FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE!!" The pdf attachment I guarantee is free from any nasties!! Largebear IMG.pdf
  4. Many thanks for that lengthy salvo--it might "Clear the way"--so to speak!!! However, they are aware of the CCJ relating to this matter dating from nearly 15 years back, and referred to it in their first commmunication back in October '08. In a phone call next day,in which I did not acknowledge anything,they said they were collecting the balance of the unsettled CCJ, and as I had made some illusory payment in 2003 (rubbish!--good to hear DC's have been known to "manufacture one")then they were within their rights and effectively acting on behalf of the Court!! On advice here we then went the £1.00 postal order route for an original agreement, which it turns out was probably binned by Barclays about the same time as they wrote off the debt about 1998/9, and no longer exists. they now seem to be reverting to a Plan B, and the news the Mrs got from the Court Clerk does not put our minds at rest! My wife has read the answer above and specifically said the clerk advised that a CCJ never dies and was based on legislation at the time. Subsequent changes in Consumer Credit Acts are not recognised by registrars --according to the Court Clerk--as having a bearing on a still unsatisfied judgement regardless of age...to which I replied " Oh Buggaire!" If I do nothing they will start the phone/door kicking/endless blue lined envelopes.... Should I still send the letter as you suggest--obviously suitably "personalised"?--or just hang fire? Plainly RW and their likes are getting some sort of result from County Courts not binning very old judgements --even ones that haven't been pursued for 9 years, and issued 15 years ago!! RW's attitude was that as I made even one payment back 14 years ago then I admitted its existence, and therefore the debts existence, so "Cough up, Chummy!" Wondering if I am running out of ammunition--this sort of thing does erode ones resilience.....that's what they feast on of course.. LargeBear--not going to enjoy my lunch....
  5. Hi! PRECISELY 2 months later Robinson Way have written to me this morning returning my £1.00 PO (sent as per above) and stating.. "With reference to your recent request, please be advised that our client have advised that they are unable to provide the documents you requested. However you are within your rights to contact them directly. Please be advised that the last payment made on the account was on 20th November 2003. Please forward your payment proposals by return. Yours etc Signed " Squiggle" Just to remind all that this was an original debt for £5765.00 with Barclays Bank which had a CCJ given against me AUGUST 1994--nearly 15 years ago!!. I was going through an awful patch then and agreed monthly payments with Elizabeth Handforth ( Barclays tame in house solicitors) on £30 pcm. This carried on with a couple of small hitches until 1998 when Handforth passed the case to Intrum Justitia who harried me for full settlement but then accpted the £30 pcm . I ran out of payment slips --which they insisted I use, in 1999 and requested a fresh supply.I am very certain that no payment was made in November 2003 as they state. No response, so no slips and I made no further payment. No one chased me... I didn't ask a second time and it died a proverbial death until RW wanted the lot 9 years later in last October , stating that a "CCJ never dies, and there was no way out, and they would sent the boys round etc.." I have used the recommendations given here religiously, but now plainly they want to play Round 2. My wife has gone into the County Court this morning, asking what is the score if a CCJ of nearly 15 years ago is resurrected,and claiming payment of a debt in early 1990's. They advised ( well, the girl on the desk advised!) that a CCJ never dies and the plaintiff can demand that it is re-opened. She added we are getting a few Debt Collecting Agencies trying to reopen old cases these days as everyone is trying to drag funds in, and the fact that the original paperwork cannot be found by plaintiffs is ignored and seen as a sly way out by Registrars, and in most cases they are permitting the case to be reopened--suggesting that a "sum-in-settlement " be negotiated in view of the time taken, to close the matter. However she added Debt colectors are instead going for the full amount" So I appear to be back to square 1 with the RW curse about to kick the door in...or am I?? Can anyone suggest how this can be moved to the next stage? Thanks in adv Very Perturbed LargeBear
  6. Many thanks ODC--Interesting to see if they can uncover any new twists to try to get at me? There was a CCJ back in 1994-ish and I was paying off until 1999 when the Paying In book ranout of coupons.( Barclays were using Intrum Justitia to chase me then!) I actually rang them (IJ) up after a month ( Twit!) and asked again for a fresh book--None came--Not never ever--Then R Way bought the debt and manfactured a payment they said I had made in 2004 (???) thus justifying their getting on to me "as it was within the last 5 years, so its a still active debt to be repaid...etc etc ..??) I really think its time they got a slapping--they are just idiots!! Cheers Largebear
  7. Hi Again ODC and the rest of you knowledgeable folks!!--Well the Saga re-opens!! Yesterday was the 40th day since I sent off the "rebuttal" letter plus my £1.00 PO to Robinson Way. No acknowledgement of receipt, but I knew they'd got it because it went by "Signed For on Delivery" Mail!! TODAY on the 41st day I get the dreaded Blue & White Envelope with a SAE enclosed?? telling me:- " re Your recent (?) request" Please note we have not received a response from the original seller ( Barclays circa 1990) . This note is to tell you we are continuing to seek an update,and we will let you know the response as soon as we hear. Thank you for your patience End of note Can anyone please tell me if they have passed any landmark date or threshold by not producing the requested info. in let's face it, 6 weeks? They still seek £3925.17 and tell me that as a CCJ was granted on this in the mid 1990's ( Long gone from my Credit Record, by the way!!) they are still able to pursue me FOREVER for the balance.... Cheers Largebear
  8. Hi jayw! Largebear here!! Not very helpful, are they, these RW mob?? I did as I was advised on here and sent off the oficial request with the £1 PO for info as shown in the pro-forma, and 3 weeks + have gone by and not a dickybird. Remember they probably monitor this site!! I scaned your story on the other thread, and I wonder as you allege you paid it off did you not get a Certificate of Satisfaction from the Court when it was settled? If so, and if you subsequently binned that, then a copy might de got by checking with the Court. Never ever throw anything to do with debt out!!! By the way If you got a CCJ against you--as I did-- then it is not effected by the 7 year rule or 6 year rule. I have it on good authority that a CCJ last indefinitely if its not settled....Worrying???? That was why RW got onto me in the first place--they said I had made a payment in 2004 ( which I hadn't!!) last one in 1999!!! I hope to hear nothing from them until New Year and then they can go hang!! I think you may be too keen to correspond/speak with them...DON'T Send them nothing but aggro--too much communication might give a clever lawyer a point to show thaT YOU ADMIT THE DEBT.... sOD 'em lARGEBEAR
  9. Thanks! Sitting tight & doing nothing,,as instructed Sir!! If they should be in touch then in the words of the Governor of California "I'll be back!" Tks again Largebear
  10. hi ODC and the rest of the nice guys! I did send off that rebuttal letter to Robinson Way etc etc with £1 p.o. plus sent it registered and have kept the signature. I have not had any reply/acknowledgement/response/phone call and was wondering if I need to do anything as it a fortnight now since they got that letter.??? What, pease, is the time limit for them to respond? When does the clock run out on them?? Do I have to write again and tell them they missed a deadline or anything, please? I would hate to miss the opportunity of putting the boot in in a timely manner especially if they are up against a wall/lying on the floor! My old late Dad was a Dublin Docker and always told me the best time to kick a man was when he was on the floor!! Pointers please, folks as I dont want to miss a chance to get the Doc Martins out from under the stairs! Largebear:rolleyes:
  11. Thank You ever so much ODC--At least I have something concrete now! I will run this off tonite, and first thing in the morning it will go with a Quid Postal Order and I'll send it Recorded Delivery. Hopefully your reckoning that it will virtually kill them off will be right--if otherwise then I will report back.. many many Thanks Largebear ( I feel a reward donation would be in order if it works!!!) Thanks Again
  12. First Post on this cracking site--so bear with me!! Robinson Way are starting to make life hell! Story so far.. I got a CCJ in 1994 for £5,765 and paid instalments via Barclays solicitor Elizabeth Handforth, and subsequently Intrum Justitia intil 1999 when balance was down to £3,925. As far as I can recall I ran out of payment book slips and no furher book appeared--no one chased me and the whole thing died. I never heard another dicky bird.Not even a phone call in 9 years???!!! My solicitor friend tells me Barclays will have written it all off by 6 years after the date of the CCJ. Now Robinson Way are ringing me 2 or 3 times a day in a stroppy manner insisting on full payment. They say I made a payment in November 2003 which I have no record of and cannot recall ever even considering as the matter died as far as I was concerned in the last century!! What is my position and how do I get these folk to see sense? The calls worry my wife to death, and I am demented as RW tell me that as I apparently made a phantom payment in 2003 then I have "recognised" the debt in the past 6 years so I must pay in full in 14 days or they will send the boys round. Is there a chance that they are legit or not? One of their callers said Barclays had sold them the debt so I owed them, then another said they were collectiong on behalf of Barclays and I owed Barclays the money... It just goes on and on, and since I started this email I have had a third call today from them saying they will be arranging a home visit to collect in full.....HELP??? Largebear
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