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  1. hi TT, cheers and thanks, i do appreciate you taking time out to help me out and i also appreciate that you must be very busy too, so i'll just sit tight. I would also like to ask, is therre anything else i can do regarding the bailiff that removed my van, he did not appear on the register during the search carried out by the OFT ? Cheers and thanks.
  2. hi folks, i'm trying to keep calm but at the same time i am starting to panic a little, time may be running out for me. The van was taken on tuesday and its now thursday, the bailiffs claim the van will go up for auction after 5 days... I'm sitting with my fingers crossed... cheers
  3. hi tomtubby and thank you for taking the time to assemble a 46 complaint document. It is much appreciated to say the least. I have now modified and saved the document and await further instructions from you. I would also like to ask, would this document slow down the process of the bailiffs forwarding my van for auction? cheers and thanks for your time.
  4. hi, i have just come off the phone to the supervisor at the council tax office. The head of recovery didnt call me back so i called again and got passed onto the supervisor who stated the following; She is not aware of any details in the contract that allows bailiffs to make two levy charges, she said she does not know any details of the contract and nor does anyone else at the office. She said she would have thought that a levy can be charged on each account, she then spoke to the information help desk or something and they too said, they thought that levys can be charged on each account. My thoughts after speaking to the supervisor is that nobody at the council tax office knows the details of the contract written between B&S and the council. The supervisor also stated that, all they do is contract a bailiff firm stating who owes money, the bailiff firm then collects the debt and charges whatever they wish. The supervisor then stated, she had made a note for the manager for council tax to give me a ring as he may be able to enlighten me further. SUMMARY: At this moment in time i have found out that the bailiff who removed my van was not under license from B&S according to the search carried out this morning by the OFT, the search was carried out just using the bailiffs name and company(B&S). I have also found out that i should have been informed that the van was going to be removed enabling me to remove my tools, i was not informed of a date for the removal of the van. I have also found out that the council have no idea as to what bailiffs charge, they just pass them the debt, the bailiffs recover the amount and charge the recipient whatever they choose to. At this moment in time i am none of the wiser as to what to do. Also, is there any questions that i could ask the council tax manager other than whether or not it is written in their agreement about charging seperate levys? cheers and thanks for your time.
  5. hi, just for clarification, i have scanned in the two letters i received. May be these may shine some light on things....cheers Auctiva Image Hosting
  6. hi KJD and thanks for your response, much appreciated. Firstly, i have just come off the phone to the OFT (020 7211 86081) and gave them the name of the bailiff that removed my van and the company he works for (B&S). The lady ran a search and found the company (B&S) and she stated that the name given by myself (the bailiffs name who removed my van) was not on the register as being certified by B&S. Also, i received two letters through the door when the van was taken yesterday. The first was a white letter titled 'INVENTORY'. The letter only contains the registration and a description of the van and my name and address, there are no figures or anything else on the letter. The blue letter that accompanied the white letter is the one that has all the figures on it. These figures are accurate as i double checked them before posting them on here previously. They are as follows: council tax = 524.90 levy fee = 42.00 council tax = 791.61 levy fee = 49.00 attendance to levy fees = 67.00 costs incurred in attendance to remove goods = 360.00 costs incurred in the removal of goods = 380.00 contractors fee incurred in the removal of goods = 175.00 redemption of goods fee(Head H) = 24.50 Sub Total = 2414.01 Cheers and thanks for your time, much appreciated.
  7. hi, its now 11:30a.m. and i still havent heard back from the council regarding the fees. I'm still waiting to hear from the head of recovery. I've also just come off the phone to B&S and they have given me the name of the bailiff who removed my van. How do i go about checking that this bailiff is certified ? Also, at what stage should complete all the prementioned forms? any help would be much appreciated...cheers and thanks.
  8. hi chris and thanks for the advice, much appreciated. Will i now need to download and complete a form 4 complaint, along with a N244 application and take or send the suggested letter to the magistrates court ? Also, in the blank fields on the suggested letter, do i just insert B&S or do i need to contact B&S to get the name of the bailiff who removed the van ? Cheers and thanks.
  9. hi tomtubby, i have just been on the phone to the council, they said that no one in the office knows much about the fees etc and the only man who does is the head of recovery. They say he will be in the office later today and will call me with a matter of urgency. I told the person i just spoke to the fees the bailiffs charged charged me over the phone, and i assume he took a note of this. He said he couldnt comment and that the man in charge of recovery is the only person with any knowledge of these situations. He said he would pass this info on to the 'main man' and that the 'main man' would get in touch with the bailiffs and then be in touch with me. They also stated that the total amount i owe is £524.90 + £791.61 = £1316.51 Is there anything else i can do in the meantime, i only ask as i feel a little useless just sitting here, especially if there is something that i can do. Cheers and thanks for your time.
  10. hi tomtubby and thanks for your reply, much appreciated. I dont want to sound daft but am i to ask the council about the following charges made by B&S? levy fee = 42.00 levy fee = 49.00 redemption of goods fee(Head H) = 24.50 or am i to also ask about the below charges made by B&S: ie. costs incurred in attendance to remove goods = 360.00 costs incurred in the removal of goods = 380.00 contractors fee incurred in the removal of goods = 175 cheers and thanks for your time.
  11. hi and thanks for your replies, they are much appreciated. Just a couple of things that i'm not sure of. 1) Is it too late for me to do anything else now but to pay the amount requested by the bailiffs? 2) Is it too late to now state that the van was sold to a friend over the weekend and to produce the slip stating this ? 3) Is it too late for me to pay the council what i owe the council direct online or plead for mercy and have the van returned. 4) Is it possible for me to go through the steps of advice given in this post and get a result before the van goes up for auction in 5 days according to B&S? As you can tell, i'm pretty desperate for any advice at this moment in time. Cheers and thanks for your time.
  12. hi, can you tell me whether it makes any difference at all, that on the inventory form that has the details of my van that the bailiff removed, this form has not been signed by me or anyone else. It just has the reference no. Date, my address and the van details on it ? Also, to be honest, at this point and i know its ealry in the race, but i have no idea what to do. According to the bailiffs i have 5 days to pay the amount in full or my van will go to auction along with my tools. Also, if i cant get this stopped or arrangements made for payment other than the amount in full, then, if the van only sells for £1000 i take it the bailiffs will still be chasing me for the remainder ? i only ask as i dont know and i dont want to assume as time is running out.. cheers and thanks for your time.
  13. hi, thanks for your replies, much appreciated. Just a couple of things. The blue letter they posted through the letterbox after removing the van today had the time of 14:45. This was the time of their initial visit, they didnt post anything on their initial visit. When i got home approximately 16:30 the van was still on the drive, when we returned at 18:00 the van was gone and the neighbour said they dont know how me missed them as they had literally just taken the van and left. So, the time on the paper is not the time the van was removed, also, on their earlier visit today they didnt leave any letters or anything stating that we had x-amount of time to pay today before the van will be removed. My partner said they arrived at 14:25 knocked on the door, my partner did not answer so they sat outside the house in their white van, and then they left. Also, i dont want to sound daft, but i have no idea who the bailiff was who removed the van as there is just a scribble on the page where he signed it. cheers and thanks for your time.
  14. hi, the van was practically full of shovels, pick axes, builders buckets, compressor, saws, lights, trowel, cabling, fittings, you name it. Plus lots of building materials and thats no exagerration as i used the van to store my tools in as we have a small garden and no where to put them. The van was not sign written but its obvious its a builders van due to the items inside. The van was not on finance nor did it owe any money either. cheers and thanks.
  15. hi, to be honest, as far as i am aware, the bailiffs have called round about four times and left letters each time stating 'removal of goods'. If they have called round besides these times then i are unaware of this as they have left no letter or sign that they had been. cheers and thanks for your time.
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