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Everything posted by Full&Final

  1. HI there, it's all been very quiet from 1st Credit for a long while. Until today -almost exactly a year since they first abused me down the phone. I have requested a CCA and have had no reply - as detailed in a previous post some months ago. Today, I have received a nicey, nicey, conciliatory letter (designed to look like a credit card statement) suggesting that if I pay them quickly (i.e within 7 days), they wil give me a 30% discount off the total outstanding balance of £4k. There is a "Periodic Statement" including details of the last payment I made before requesting the CCA. I would really love to entirely get this particular monkey off my back but in the absence of a CCA I am loathe to even acknowledge this letter. Should I contact them and offer, say, 10%? Just ignore it, or insist they produce a CCA again? Any advice gratefully received. Many thanks Full&Final
  2. Sorry to resurrect this old thread but I am need of further advice. After sending my CCA letter, 1st Credit replied stating "the document you have requested is retained by our client" on the nth October 2008. Since then, I have had no correspondence with 1st Credit at all. No phone calls, no letters, nothing. Can I safely assume that they have no CCA and are leaving me alone? The sign off line of the letter states "on receipt of the copy agreement we would expect you to contact this office immediately to arrange settlement of the debt". It seems unlikely that they can obtain this as the credit card was taken out at least 8 years ago. Does anyone have experience with this kind of delay in a valid CCA being produced? If so, what is the usual outcome? Many thanks
  3. HI All, sent CCA letter to 1st Credit today and, under separate cover, a postal order for my monthly agreed amount. I gather they have 12 + 2 days to respond. I've had this credit card since about 1999-2000 ; does this have any relevance as to the likelihood of an enforceable CCA being produced? Should I SAR the OC to establish the level of penalty charges levied and try to dispute the outstanding amount? Many thanks
  4. Just to clarify, should I keep paying and request the CCA or simply request the CCA first and take it from there? The reason I ask is I'm looking to keep them sweet and stick to the terms I agreed to with Goldfish should the whole thing end up getting nasty, I can refer back to "sticking to the agreement" and "paying what I could"
  5. Is this simply a letter to request a copy of the original CCA I signed with t he credit card company? Or do I need a template letter....? Many thanks and apologies for so many questions!
  6. Many thanks all so far, a couple of points : are the references to a CCA letter a request to the DCA to provide a copy of the original Consumer Credit Agreement that I signed when the account was opened? Or should this request be made to the original creditor (Goldfish, Morgan Stanley, Barclaycard or whoever they are/were/will be next week)?
  7. Does anyone know what sort of offer would be accepted as Full & Final settlement based on an outstanding amount of £4200? I would borrow this from family at a push just to get rid of these morons.
  8. Hi there, this is my first post here so any help and advice gratefully received! I've had "arrangements to pay" in place with both Capital One and Goldfish for the past seven months without any problem at all. After completing new Income & Expenditure Forms for both creditors recently, the arrangements were renewed - with Goldfish for a 12 month period. I telephoned last Monday to make debit card payments to each card in line with my Arrangements to Pay, as usual, and learned that Goldfish have sold a number of accounts to Barclaycard and a number of accounts to First Credit. Unfortunately, mine's been sold to First Credit. I already realise these folk are extremely unpleasant! I phoned the 01737 number quoted by Golodfish and asked if I could make my usual payment of £53.00. "No", came the reply, "you have seven days to pay the full outstanding balance". "I can't - that's why I have an arrangement in place with Goldfish". At which point they again repeated that the full amount was due immediately and I have seven days to consider how to raise the money. I then called the CCCS to seek advice and they said I was perfectly correct to try and keep the existing arrangement in place. It gets better....! I phoned First Credit again and offered the same monthly payment at which point the operative put me on hold, spoke to a "manager" and pointed out that they would accept an arrangement, subject to a lump sum payment of 50% of the total amount up front. This equates to £2100 as the total is around £4200. I said I was in no position to pay this lump sum and said - again - that I would honour the arrangement I had with Goldfish and put this in writing as I have been under serious financial strain for the past year or so. Any advice on how to handle this situation from here? Or, even better, how to get these plebs off my back for good? What are people's experience of offering a "Full & Final Settlement" as I'd really like to get this particular monkey off my back! Many thanks in advance.
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