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Everything posted by NoMandate

  1. Hi Chris Yes, we did. It didn't get to court stages, as we were advised by an ex-staff member that the taxman wasn't aware of a lot of the money being taken in the pub, so we went for a 'you give us our stuff back and we won't ring the tax office' approach. Admittedly, taking a flyer on this was a risk, but it must have been true, because we got our gear back sharpish. However it must be remembered that this was a fairly big place in a large city which we need never go near again, as opposed to a local pub, where relationships are more complex. As Mr Shed says, technicalities are not what small claims is about, I'm just a bit of a belt and braces/forewarned is forearmed type.
  2. Knowing someone who has been in a similar position (band equipment being held to ransom), I agree with the advice above, and also suggest that you make sure you have all the receipts/proofs of purchase for the equipment readily available. Also, do you have any photographs of the equipment in the pub? It's to be hoped that this is resolved before court becomes necessary.
  3. Hi Firstly, while I may not have much really useful advice, I can tell you, as a bank worker who has regular dealings professionally with GMAC, they are very aggressive, even to us when we are trying to send them money!!. It seems to be that their method of dealing with everyone is less than helpful. Please, please don't let them scare you ( I know this is easier said than done) You have already taken good and responsible steps in calculating the extra you can pay off your own bat, and this will be looked upon favourably by the courts, as it clearly shows you want to sort this out. keep your chin up.
  4. I PM'd straight after signing up - thank you for your welcome.
  5. Hi All First off, I do work for a bank - be gentle with me! I really can't say which one, I've been reading the forums for some time and have found useful advise here, so thought I'd join and maybe give a bit back where possible.
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