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Everything posted by nantotwo

  1. Thanks for reply. Policy due for renewal, so if they fix it and its working ok will cancel the policy as they are dreadful to deal with.
  2. Forgot to add that it is four parts it needs, one being a new motor, the engineer intimated it would probably be uneconomic to repair on this first visit but said it wasnt up to him.
  3. Its about 6/7 years old, have renewed the policy every year.
  4. I requested a repair to my tumble dryer 7 July 2011, several visits by engineer and them rearringing appointments, six weeks had passed without it being fixed. Under the T&C it stated that if it took longer than six weeks I could request a new one. They are now saying they have the correct parts and the six week rule starts after the first visit by the engineer, not from the date of my phone call to request the repair. They are therefore reusing to replace, only repair and are sending me a ' page 2 ' of the T&C which has never ever been sent to me before (latest renewal docs just received and no page 2! had renewed policy for six years, never a page 2) stating it is six weeks from engineers visit. Anyone any help or advice please or had anything similar. Contacted Trading Standards and advised to write re Breach of Contract, failing that its the small claims court. Do I just go ahead and accept the repair? thanx
  5. Thanks for replying blue4ever and The Chancellor. I too wondered if they would accept the F&F if I wasnt in default. Its only because I have a direct debit now for them to take the minimum monthly repayment that they are getting the payments on time as this is what they suggested a couple of years back when I was always at least a week late with my payments and I was worried about the £20's late payment fees they were taking (did go down to £12 at some time). So now I make sure the money is in my account for the DD as my O/H doesnt know about this debt and if I got phone calls from them it would cause loads of bother for me with my O/H. My half pay from work now come to an end so money very very tight without even taking this payment into consideration, basically I dont have it now to pay them. Most of my payments are covering the interest so debt hardly moving, when I think of the interest they have had off me over the years I could cry. Will have a look at the letter templates and ask for the CCA. Does this mean that if they cant find this the debt is not enforceable and I dont have to pay them? As I said, had the card since late 70's and have had a few increases in the limit along the way - never applied for by myself, just something they have done and cant remember if this was just increased or something I had to sign for - but think its just something they have done when I got near my limit to give me extra spending .......and to get me further into debt. Worried then they will register the debt after harassing me if I say debt isnt enforceable, as I say cant do this in case my O/H finds out. Dont want a bad debt registered (missed payments are bad enough on my credit report!)
  6. Can anyone help please? In receipt of IB but have some small savings, which I want to offer to credit card company in full and final settlement of my debt (means about 50% will be paid off) as soon cant afford the monthly repayments against my outgoings. Are they likely to accept this? (a friend of a friend has just had £3k wiped off her debt doing this I have been told). Had card since 1970's and always paid at least minimum each month so not in default but need to get myself clear for sake of my health. Can anyone advise me please? Can I just send them a letter (as I have been told this friend of a friend did) with my proposal or do they want to know everything........I dont really want to draw up income/expenditure details etc just tell them how it is - that sooner or later I will not be in a position to make the monthly repayments, cant work, ill health. Is there a letter on the site anyone has used (have been looking but couldnt find anything). Thanks.
  7. Thanks Bazack1, now understand about capability dismissal. I dont think that the performance related issue you referred to is really relevant in my case ie standards, targets, training, timescale for improvement, written warnings etc. Would this apply to someone in work and under performing. When I was in work we did have an annual appraisal and also monthly targets, the targets I had were always exceeded and in view of this I always received good pay rises and even regional recognition awards. In fact, probably one of the reasons I became ill was I had no work/life balance and gave my all to being the best at my job. What I need to know now please is if they decide to dismiss me on capability is if I have any grounds for an appeal? Conniff in my depression and other illnesses I have real lows and this stops me handling the easiest of tasks I used to take for granted. Found out my original manager left 2005, another took over and I never heard from that person at all and wouldnt have know if their name wasnt on a letter as receiving a copy the head office had sent to me re my annual medical consent form I had to sign. I believe there is also a different manager there again since last year. So, I think one letter is pretty poor on their part and unless you can appreciate that when someone is ill their focus is elsewhere at the time. Maybe if I had been contacted on a regular basis in the early stages I wouldnt have felt so alienated and a plan could have been drawn up to encourage me. Even HR have said early this year I should have had regular contact and they were sorry that this hadnt happened in my instance. Have been searching the internet and can a reason for them not being 'responsible' employers and contacting me on a regular basis give me a chance of appeal under the DDA 1995? I understand that when someone is ill if there had been too much contact it could be construed as 'bullying' but there surely has to be some degree of contact but I had none basically, no phone call or meeting, for four years. No one suggested or even asked how I could have been helped back into work until 2008. Can anyone tell me please If they decide to dismiss me on capability will it be by letter or will I have to attend a meeting, will it be with no recompense and what will happen with my pension? (nearly 31 years pensionable service). Someone mentioned that the pension trustees will look at if my illness is likely to be classed as 'long' term and this can mean that the likelihood is that before my pensionable age I am unlikely to get better. Dont understand this point as really if I am long term (which i think my dcoctor has suggested) does that mean they are more likely to retire me early with ill health and with my pension or does that mean it is a better scenario for my employers in dismissing me under capability? Can anyone see if I can have any grounds for an appeal if it comes to this that may be successful in my case? Just hoping someone may know about the law here and can possibly give me some help or even a glimmer of hope....
  8. Has anyone got first hand knowledge of this? I have worked for my employer (big big company!) for over 30 years full time since leaving school, I am now in my late 40's. I was signed off sick in 2003 and they advised me I was eligible for the benefit scheme which would give me half pay for 5 years or until I was fit to return to work dependent on me consenting to medical reports from my GP at their request and providing sick notes (which I have done) and if after 5 years I was still unfit for work I would be considered for early retirement on ill health grounds. No verbal contact was ever made to me again by them after early 2004 (other than written requests for me to sign medical consent forms which came from the Health Insurance provider anyway) until the beginning of this year. (I did get one letter from the new manager in 2007 introducing himself and he asked me to phone him which I never did and that was that) Early 2008 Personnel asked how I was and if I thought I could return to work, would I like part time etc I couldnt...four years tool late I thought! Still under doctor, hospital etc and now my benefit is coming to an end and they are to make a decision on me as I cant return as to whether to dismiss me on capability or retire me on ill health. Medical reports (both from their Doctor and mine) have been done and I am awaiting employers verdict. I know my Doctor has advised she cannot see me being able to work again in any capacity for them or any other employer. It wasnt until this year the dismissal on capability thing was ever mentioned to me. Our pension can be drawn at 50 and I have over 31 years pensionable service and just short of the age I could draw it. I cant believe they can do this to me. needless to say I am at my wits end. Been in touch with the union, not much help only to panic me further saying they probably would dismiss me on capability (and that means no pension!! - if they dismiss me does my pension gets taken off me completely?) The union never even asked what service I had done, no questions at all etc but said even taking that into account they would probably still just dismiss me, no recompense whatsoever. They also said there is no appeal I can make if they do this, surely that cant be right, but I can put in a letter of grievance... I am looking at the negative side, they may (fingers crossed) decide to retire me early but this is all too horrible to contemplate and making me even more ill. Can anyone advise me please, I am desperate?
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