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Everything posted by rambos

  1. Hi everyone! I hope someone can help me! I keep my car registered at my mums house because my mail kept getting lost going to my new house and ending up in a derelict house on the next street of a similar name. In July my mum came home to a bailiff letter saying they were coming to sieze goods and wanted £108.16 immediately. I was confused as i didn't remember getting a ticket. So i phone the bailiff to get the PCN number off him and called the council. The man said that there was a PCN for my car, it hadn't been paid so had been passed on to a bailiff. Then he adds that there was a letter with the ticket from someone who had picked it up off the pavement. SO I NEVER GOT THE TICKET IN THE FIRST PLACE!! I called the bailiff back and he said he doesn't care if i didn't get a ticket, i would have got the letters in the post. I never got letters from the council for the fines, and i imagine this has something to do with when my mum decided to not speak to me for a few months because she's crazy, and when any mail came for me she'd post it back to the sender. All's i know is i've got this bailiff telling me he's going to hunt me down and take my car unless i pay immediately. I couldn't be arsed with having the bailiffs after me, so called Equita to pay them even though i was skint and the girl tells me that i can make an arrangement to pay if off over a few months at no extra charge. All i had to do was give them my bank details and pay an initial £31 of the debt. I put the phone down relieved and thinking that maybe bailiffs aren;t so bad after all... My mum got home from holiday today to a letter from the bailiff saying i owed £334.49 for a parking fine. I took down the reference numbers and phoned the council to see what it was about. They confirmed that it was the PCN that i had got in the July and made a payment plan with. I called the bailiff to tell him he'll have to call his office as there's obviously a mistake because i've paid it. He says i didn't make my payments. After speaking with this vile man, he initially refused to give me the number to his head office, then gave it to me, i spoke to one useless boy who put the phone down on me when i asked to speak to his manager. In short, this is what they're telling me. I entered into a payment agreement in July and made a payment of £31. I then defaulted on my Aug and Sep payment and they sent me a letter 26th Sep, then sent the bailiff out 1st Oct. Today is the 2nd. I tell them that i gave them my bank details to take the money, hand on heart that's what i thought. I asked why they didn't send me a letter asking for payment or even a letter detailing the payment plan, they said it wasn't their responsibility. So i make a payment in July thinking i'm entering a payment plan, don't hear ONE WORD from them until 26th Sep (which didn't arrive by the way) to tell me Mr Bailiff is on his way. I've since pacified the bailiff by telling him i'm paying tomorrow and now i'm trawling the net looking for help!!! I've got at least 20 hours to hold him off me, i've hidden my car and everything. The good thing is, he doesn't know where i live. He said he'll find my car through the DVLA, but my car is registered to my mums house and i don't live there so he'll be back where he started. I also told him if he steps foot on my mothers property he'll be speaking to my solicitor. That's if my battleaxe mum doesn't get to him first. HELP PLEASE!!! WHAT DO I DO??? Thanks!!!
  2. Hi!! Thanks for the quick response...how do i post a thread? I'm new to this!! Thanks!!
  3. Hi everyone! I hope someone can help me! I keep my car registered at my mums house because my mail kept getting lost going to my new house and ending up in a derelict house on the next street of a similar name. In July my mum came home to a bailiff letter saying they were coming to sieze goods and wanted £108.16 immediately. I was confused as i didn't remember getting a ticket. So i phone the bailiff to get the PCN number off him and called the council. The man said that there was a PCN for my car, it hadn't been paid so had been passed on to a bailiff. Then he adds that there was a letter with the ticket from someone who had picked it up off the pavement. SO I NEVER GOT THE TICKET IN THE FIRST PLACE!! I called the bailiff back and he said he doesn't care if i didn't get a ticket, i would have got the letters in the post. I never got letters from the council for the fines, and i imagine this has something to do with when my mum decided to not speak to me for a few months because she's crazy, and when any mail came for me she'd post it back to the sender. All's i know is i've got this bailiff telling me he's going to hunt me down and take my car unless i pay immediately. I couldn't be arsed with having the bailiffs after me, so called Equita to pay them even though i was skint and the girl tells me that i can make an arrangement to pay if off over a few months at no extra charge. All i had to do was give them my bank details and pay an initial £31 of the debt. I put the phone down relieved and thinking that maybe bailiffs aren;t so bad after all... My mum got home from holiday today to a letter from the bailiff saying i owed £334.49 for a parking fine. I took down the reference numbers and phoned the council to see what it was about. They confirmed that it was the PCN that i had got in the July and made a payment plan with. I called the bailiff to tell him he'll have to call his office as there's obviously a mistake because i've paid it. He says i didn't make my payments. After speaking with this vile man, he initially refused to give me the number to his head office, then gave it to me, i spoke to one useless boy who put the phone down on me when i asked to speak to his manager. In short, this is what they're telling me. I entered into a payment agreement in July and made a payment of £31. I then defaulted on my Aug and Sep payment and they sent me a letter 26th Sep, then sent the bailiff out 1st Oct. Today is the 2nd. I tell them that i gave them my bank details to take the money, hand on heart that's what i thought. I asked why they didn't send me a letter asking for payment or even a letter detailing the payment plan, they said it wasn't their responsibility. So i make a payment in July thinking i'm entering a payment plan, don't hear ONE WORD from them until 26th Sep (which didn't arrive by the way) to tell me Mr Bailiff is on his way. I've since pacified the bailiff by telling him i'm paying tomorrow and now i'm trawling the net looking for help!!! I've got at least 20 hours to hold him off me, i've hidden my car and everything. The good thing is, he doesn't know where i live. He said he'll find my car through the DVLA, but my car is registered to my mums house and i don't live there so he'll be back where he started. I also told him if he steps foot on my mothers property he'll be speaking to my solicitor. That's if my battleaxe mum doesn't get to him first. HELP PLEASE!!! WHAT DO I DO??? Thanks!!!
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