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Everything posted by machinehead

  1. I have an IVA about 17 months in and are renting through a HA.We have huge problems with the neighbourhood and are currently trying to exchange.My parents have offered to pay a large deposit to buy a house.I have read information about getting a mortgage with an IVA etc but is it worth the hassle getting a special deed to protect the deposit then tring to find a mortgage at most likely a high rate. My question is..If my parents purchased another house and acted as the landlord with a agreement etc would this be ok...Second question is if i did go down the mortgage route would it be better to use some of the deposit and ask for a settlement of the iva? THanks
  2. Hi,Just to give you a bit of history. My wife lost here job start of last year and after months of struggling finally got an IVA after taken great advice from this site. She is currently signing on and job seekers finished last Oct.The court asked for her to apply for Child Tax Credits for which we did am i also are now getting working tax credit.IVA are taking 60% off child tax credit but wont look at my working tax credit until yearly review. Heres my problem and question.I currently earn 28k and are recieving £375 month working tax credit(two kids).I have applied and got another job in my company but the wage is 32k.Do i take the extra money or stay as i am but take the role.The IVA might see all that as more surplus so i would loose the lot.
  3. Thanks very much for the replies. I did originally send a budget sheet to my creditors,does it matter that i change it ? Sorry and one last question.The last letters i sent my creditors stated i was applying for an IVA and it may take some weeks with a token payment. Should i send the same letter again monthly until an IVA is set up or start making my new budget payments? :-?
  4. Just to start with some history,my wife was made redundant and i am now the only source of income.I have personnal unsecured debits of 22k which consists of bank loan,overdraft, and 4 credit cards.The credit cards have the highest amounts approx 18k.I contacted national debitline who told me to fill out budget form and send me more info.They suggested send a budget form with a breakdown to my creditors of how much i can pay back while the info pack is send.They also advised me that i could go bankrupt or set up an IVA.My amount for creditors after bills etc is £291. I have no assets.After receiving the pack and sending the first letters to my creditors i decided to contact national debitline to arrange an IVA. When IVA pack arrived sent letter with token payment as advised and sent back paperwork to antional debitline to set up IVA. Recieved a phone call Friday night stating that my creditors would not agree an IVA we have given you the wrong information..sorry.Because my debit could be cleared with 8 years and payed back by 6.2 years they would not consider an IVA..my best and only option is a DMP.Stated ehat about chargeds and no legal status of DMP only told they would not change anything as they would want their money back. My question to Debit Action Group:Does this sound correct? Should i speak to other IVA companies? Will a DMP be safe for 6.2 years considering is not legally binding? Please help?
  5. I hope there`s someone who can give me some advise on the following problem. I took my dog to the vets some 5 months ago and on the visit the vet could not do anything to help him because they had no treatments etc in stock. They said come back in a week and we will sort it then....useless.. I then took my dog to another vet and he was sorted creams etc all done. Over the last 8 weeks i had a letter from the original vet stating that i owed £19.95 on my account and it was due...you have 28 days..so i filed it under bin then once again another letter stating 28 days or else. Today i recieve a letter from a DCA demanding payment now for £19.95 or they will start legal proceedings. Please can someone give me some advice this is getting silly:confused:
  6. Thanks poppynurse but will the credit card company play unfair if they issue an enforcable agreement or will my status with them remain the same.
  7. Hi everyone, I am new to this site so please forgive posting in the wrong area. I have 3 credit cards and i have heard about wiping cards etc and after a bit of reading i want to start with my largest card 8k.I have not used this card for a long time but kept repayments upto date. Can anyone please help what to do after i have requested a CCA..do i still pay the card each month etc.. Please help MachineHead:)
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