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Badnews Again

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Everything posted by Badnews Again

  1. Madmax, All credit to you for fighting them and I genuinely wish you luck. These people however are used to people taking them on. They didnt bat an eyelid when I said that I was going to take them to court and that I had been to see a solicitor that I had appointed. They do not care and just keep piling on the fees. It will take months to even get your case heard by someone at which point your bill will have doubled and in the meantime you will get them banging on your door at all times of day (dont know if you have wife / kids etc). How many people do you think actually get the conclusion that they want?? and even then do you think that Equita give a damn if one person has a win when they have multiplied thousands of tickets by 500% for the own back pocket? Perhaps my advice was slightly weak but I still say cut your losses, get on with your life and just make sure in the future that you pay the tickets when they are £30!!!
  2. Hi People, I have just joined this forum just so that I can give you all a piece of advice with regards to our friends at Equita. They are the most lawless, uncomprimising, lying bunch of people that you will ever have to deal with. As difficult as it may seem you have to PAY THEM. Beg borrow or steal to get the money or they will just keep racking up more and more fees and your debt to them will just go up. I have just finished my final payment to them for three parking tickets that I had with Southampton City Council and ended up paying over £1500. I set up various payment plans with Equita that crippled me every month and they would write to me regualry after I had paid them saying that I had broken my agreement and that my case was now passed to a Ballif and my account has been increased by 300 ish pounds. The main number puts you on hold for ages and then no one ever knows anything about your account. If you want to complain they say write in or email and they never respond. Its like they are above the law. They do not give a monkeys about anything. I lost my Dad in the final month of payment and was one day late paying so they made me pay another 300 on top despite me ringing and explaining why. They wont come round your house. They cant be bothered. They will just say they have been and stick more cash on. I think that its a disgrace that our local councils employ such people. They are evil. You will read on forums like these that you can find a loophole or get money back etc etc. Its very very rare if not impossible. Dont try just pay them what ever way you can. I deal with all sorts of people in my business and I have never wanted to injure anyone until I dealt with this bunch (especially Mr Ridgers the Ballif himself). They make they own rules up as they go along and will string you up for as much as they can get away with. PAY THEM
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