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Everything posted by 75eromyerg

  1. Hi people, I think I have been a little stupid, but am desperately trying to get out of the mess it has caused. Phoenix Commercial collections have been assigned to recover my council tax bill again this year, as they have for the last three years. Before I found this forum I signed a walking possesion for the last three years and made arrangements to pay £100 per month. Every year we are in the same boat and because we are paying phoenix we haven't been able to pay the council. This year I found the forum and sent them the standard letter as advised. The amount I owed suddenly dropped by £257. My questions now are these Can I ask for statements for the preceeding years and if the fees have been inflated can I claim them back. Are the previous Walking Possesions considered abandoned now? Who can I complain to about the "Enforcement Officer" he deliverd the companies standard letter threatening to come and remove goods through my door without an envelope and the letter was read by my wife, luckily she got to it before one of the children. When I spoke to the enforcement officer he stated that I was unable to extend our arrangement (as we had the previous year) as the judge had ordered that we were not allowed another arrangement as we had had one before. I was told that we had to pay the full amount in 24 hours as the van was already booked. Phoenix have replied to my letter stating that they are unable to accept an arrangement over 12 weeks and that "long term arrangements are subject to our representative visiting your premises for the purpose of assessing your ability to pay and in order to discuss some mutually agreed re-payment plan" Any advice greatfully recieved
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