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Everything posted by SiHz

  1. My experience with vanquis turned from the pleasant to the ridiculous and sadly now the sublime at the beginning of 2008 when moving home. We had had a nice easy 2yr or so where id pay any balance in full each mth and accordingly had had my limits increased.:grin:..When the time came to move home and I needed to give a postal address to vanquis for contact purposes only it began to sour insomuch as 1) noone at cust\services seemed to understand the concept of a contact address hence complete chaos when attempting to fone and identify myself to them but eventually we managed. The expense related to moving meant I wasnt able to make full repayment each mth and began making minimum payments only which led to my account maxing out within three mths. Although I attempted to explain that I was still looking for a home and the contact only address was genuine. The ever sceptical vanquis soon began penalising me for my maxed out account leading to ever increasing charges. By the time I got myself into the new home and settled id manage to accumalate several hundred in charges etc and began to receive threats of lawsuit because of my alledged breach of contract.....always accompanied by a pay this balance now and all will be well attachments! So to shorten (as youve heard enough of my move methinks) the saga we reached the point where earning and rehomed my position enabled me to pay vanquis the full total outstanding amount on my card and return to a state of harmony which id looked forwards to for mths. However ...not to be because although vanquis now had my full new address on record and indeed had started posting their mail to this new address it still took numerous calls to convince them to change their records to show the new address! Anyhow id paid the full balance via my bank so no worries itd get there regardless which address they had. HuhHuh a month later Aug another letter arrived showing the account still very much maxed out followed by a letter from their own defaulted account dept informing me of their intention to sue for this money they claim not to have had. I rang immiediately to be told theyd received nothing and said theyd refer it to their accts dept and it would be resolved (if id been telling the truth that is) So now im a liar as well as a defaulter!!! In the meantime I returned to my bank who indeed confirmed that yes this money had been paid to vanquis the previous mth..:grin: So i foned vanquis again to tell them it had been doublechecked to which they informed me my acct was still with their own accts dept and it would be they who would let me know wether or not id paid it up!!!! So im still a liar it seems!! As of yet my card is invalid for use,, my charges are still increasing and im a defauting debtor ...all this despite paying my account balance in full over a mth ago....How can this be?
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