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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. You assume corectly payment was by cheque. I will take the letter directly to my branch later in the week and cancel the cheque at the same time. Do I just ask for the branch manager or could I leave it with a teller or service counter and get them to sign for it? also what would i get them to sign as proof of reciept? Thanks again. D.
  3. Hi just thought I would update my progress. Sent off my Dpa request for list of charges to my local branch of natwest on 19th of may 1st class recorded delivery. 11 days later 30th of may royal mail still cannot confirm delivery aparently after 15 days they can launch an investigation into it's whereabouts. So now pondering what this all means? surely they can't have managed to convince the postman to conveniently lose my letter, ok stop with the conspiracy it is i supose posible that things do go mising in the post. What should I do now? I definatly don't want to wait any longer as i suspect that time isnt on our side with this thing, they will have to change the law or something drastic to close this loophole banks stand to lose a lot of what they love most ie: our money = their bonuses and dividends, or is this just the paranoia of my conspiracy filled mind speaking? Where do they stand on this are they going trying any type of drastic tactics to stop us? or is there nothing they can do about this and we will always have to go through this process when we are fined again and again? Anyhow back to my other question, what should i do now? I think I should print of another letter and take it down to my local branch in person? If so should I just for ask the manager or could i just get anyone who works there to sign for it? What type of proof of reciept should they give me? Many thanks. Dave.
  4. Sory again. I did read the faq but that was a few days ago and I have read so many posts-threads that I couldnt find the relevant info. Just one more piont for today I promise. Can I use the same dpa info request form (and £10) I'm sending to Natwest about my current account to get the info of the charges taken from my credit card? If Possible would I just ad this account number information to the letter? ta. D.
  5. Sorry stoner I got lost. What you never get lost on the internet? The letter in the library for credit card seems to be the one to use for asking the charges to be reimbursed and I don't know how much they are yet. What I need to know is how do I find out about these charges, is it the same dpa letter that i used for my bank account or will i need to word it differently for a credit card? Thankses youses D
  6. Sory I knew I had read that somewhere before about where to send it but i have been all over this website in the last few days and seem to have forgotten where the faq's are kept. not sure abput how much they charged me for the statments but something lihe £30-£40, I will look into that later. I retract my previous statement about not needing luck (just remembered who we are dealing with) and accept your wish with thanks. D.
  7. HI. Just about to send dpa requestto natwest, Actually I will take it there in person as I have to bank a cheque. I have removed the bit about "statments will be suficent" because I still have the statments I just dont have spare hrs to spend trolling thru them. I also fear that they might use this as a tactic to fugure out who the lazy or busy people are as they will baulk at the thought of 6 yrs of bank statments and might just give up. This is such a satisfing thing to be doing everytime I think about it it just makes me beam out a smile ) great antidote for the frustration and unwanted hate for "the institution" built up by them over the years whilst begging for my money on several ocasions. I like many here smelt a rat from the start, how can this thievery be allowed to flourish? hardly good business practice is it. I did get 1 refund many years ago but was then told on several further ocasions that there was nothing that could be done about it, I just gave up in the end as their response wasn't changing and just assumed that I was in the wrong and counted myself lucky to get the other one returned. You have no choice Sir you have to pay read the contract ect ect.,,Now they shall pay. I eventually asked out of desperation what could be done about this and was made to feel as if I had no option but to sign up for advantage gold to arange a propper overdraft (great selling point Innit), I am self employed and it is sometimes hard to get money out of some people and for a few years paid for this big time. One problem i have is that I think that the years before 2000 were more expensive for me with regard to this type of thievery. I will be reading about the 6 yr thing soon. I have read the site for a few hrs each night just to get a good background but I seem to have lost a few vital details. ... Am I corect in delivering/posting the dpa to my local branch or should it be sent to a head office. ....A few years ago i requested about 8 months of bank statments and was charged heavily per sheet for these, Was this a legal charge? or was this before the dpa powers, can I ad this to my claim? I wish to do the same to natwest visa as they have stung me a few times. ...Is it possible to use the same banking dpa request letter from the library section with visa/Master or should it be diferently worded for a credit card company. Thank you. Thank you. You have mad me and a few mates very happy. I will be definatly making a substantial donation when my claim is finished. I dont mind so much giving my money away, but when it is taken from me it will tend to make me irate. Cheers Dave. Good luck to all.. oh hang on we dont need it for once the law is on our side..
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