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Everything posted by thinkdesign

  1. Thank you for your quick response! Do you think that it would be in my interest to set up a 'six month repayment' plan with the collections department, as that is what they keep telling me. Will this stop any further charges? And if i do set up this repayment plan, can I then take further action to claim this back at a later date? I have, over my lunch hour, been into my local branch and had the manager phone the collections center to find out of any updates to my situation. they have said that it will take 28 working days to get back to me with a response, but I only have 5/6 days left before they take further action - which is why I am contemplating the Six Month Repayment scheme, as a precautionary measure. Thanks for your help.
  2. Hello! I have just discovered this forum & really hope that you can help me. I received a letter about a month and a half ago, from Lloyds TSB asking for £303.51. I was rather concerned with this, and not just the money, more the fact that i haven't used this account for the past 2.5 years (March 2006). The letter stated that in March 2006, i went 9pence overdrawn which i had no idea about until receiving this letter, as my lack of use on the account was generating no bank statements. I phoned up the collections center, who also informed me that Lloyds had contacted Experian (credit ratings) to gain my new address - which will ultimately affect my credit rating. They told me that I needed to write a letter, disputing these charges, which I have done - but have received no further contact. (It was a PO Box address - and i have read on these forums countless times that things sent to PO Box's rarely turn up anywhere). I have now been told that i have until the 14th of this month (August) to pay the money, or further action will be taken to reclaim the expenses on this account. Upon receiving this final warning, I went to see an adviser at Lloyds, who said that the claims were completely ridiculous and unfounded, seeing as i hadn't used the account for 2.5 years, and was only 9pence overdrawn. I sent a letter through Lloyds, internally to the complaints department, and again, i have heard absolutely nothing from them. The Current sum of money I apparently owe Lloyds is now roughly £400, with another set of charges to be added at the beginning of September. I'm getting really worried now that I am going to have to go to court, or have possesions taken to recover the money - which to me, and everyone i have told seems a very extreme case! If anyone could offer me some advice and perhaps my next steps, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time. Ben
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