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Everything posted by loopylu1000

  1. Hello. I am 35 and have a medical problem that means I have problems conceiving, my partner is 28 and has a low count aswell so unfortunately we have to have the most expensive form of IVF treatment. I have had 2 pregnancies end in miscarriage in the past 3 years and have been trying for 5 years. My county only allows NHS treatment after 37 and only if you haven't paid already for private treament. Because of my age we couldn't wait as my chances over 35 will diminish considerably and we opted to have 2 goes so far privately at £5,500 a go. We are currently saving up for a 3rd go, but I am increasingly angry at the lack of help we can get form the NHS. We both work very hard for our money and if we are successfull on the 3rd go quite honestly I'm not sure we could actually afford to support a family anyway. My question is does anyone know of a successfull case where a local authority has either had a claim against them for costs back for private treatment or where they have reversed their ruling and dropped the age in special cases. I feel guilty for wanting to take this route as there are more deserving people in need of NHS treatment but to me when I look at some people having nose jobs, boob jobs or tummy tucks using my tax money then I get angry and feel that I deserve more.
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