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  1. Hi all, Today i have been made an improved offer of £200 by NatWest. To be perfectly honest i am at the end of my teather with all of this and i am tempted to take the money - rather than spend the next 3 months waiting for the FOS to do anything about it. :-| In total the whole situation has probably cost me around £2000 including expenses and additional interest. I am wondering what the best option is, and whether i am likely to get any more compensation through the FOS or by taking further action. Thanks again in advance.
  2. Just another quick update. .. After returning last weeks calls (several times) i finally got a response today - only after threatening FOS action and writing to the head office. They have asked me for an amount i would like - i have said £1000. They should have an answer to me within 48 hours they say. However much they come back with i think i will hold out for the full £1000, as an FOS enquiry will cost them £450 plus the additional compensation they will have to pay me - am i correct in thinking this?
  3. Update... I am now close to completing my letter to the Customer Relations Unit, this will done by tomorrow (theres lots to include!) however today i received a call from the branch manager. In fact he called twice but i missed both calls (unusual as he never returned any of my calls before let alone 2 in a day!). He left messages basically saying he had received new info regarding my compo claim. He didnt say exactly what but it sounds as if they have re-considered their offer since my rejection of their original decision. I am going to call them tomorrow but i am not sure what to negotiate, i am wondering what the likelyhood is of me getting back the extra interest i have had to pay. The total extra interest incurred is approx 1.5K, what do you think would be a realistic offer to accept? I personally think i should receive the full amount as i took the loan out in good faith... what are your thoughts?? Hyperlogic
  4. Sorry about that, wrong account All contact has been verbal and i don't have a reference number. For all i know this could have been decided in branch. Thanks for your advice, i will contact the customer relations unit. Do you know if there is a maximum time in which they have to reply, or should i stipulate this in my letter?
  5. Hello everyone Just looking for a bit of advise if anyone can help. I took out a graduate loan last year with natwest at a rate of roughly 8% but towards the end of the year i was a bit short on funds so i asked to borrow a bit extra on top of my loan. It was agreed, however i had to be put on to a personal loan rate (17%) and i was promised after 3 months i could re-apply and be put back onto a graduate rate (for what reason i do not know)!? Stupidly i didnt ask for this in writing and, you guessed it 3 months later i went to the bank and it was a no go. In fact it has been for 12 months now and including interest i have an extra 2.5K on my loan balance than i would of had, whilst borrowing only an extra 1k. After being told i need to wait 'another 3 months' 2 or 3 times since, i started to push to get my loan put back onto a graduate rate. I filed a list of complaints personally with the branch manager and found out the member of staff who processed the change over had been sacked. This was 3 months ago. I have been into the bank on numerous occasions since, and phoned easily 5 times a day to try and liase with the branch manager who was attempting to get me some compensation. It has been extremely stressful as you can imagine - phone calls being ignored and no reply when i left a message. The receptionist would just say 'all i can do is leave another message' and 'i dont know what to say'!! To me it sounded like i was being fobbed off all of the time. To go to the bank requires time off work, petrol, parking - it all adds up. Finally they came back to me earlier this week with a ridiculous offer of £100 compensation - hardly a days work! This amount doesn't even cover the cost of my visits, let alone the extra money i now owe due to their false promises! This decision took 3months, and they granted me the lowest possible amount that the branch manager had suggested to 'the board'. I don't understand why it took so long!? Anyway, after a bit of digging around i (well, the better half ) noticed they had broken the banking code, section 15. A desicion should have been made in 8 weeks - i had been given no complaint reference number and didn't receive a single letter over the period. I am now going to write to head office, and the branch manager listing all my complaints (there are many other issues i have had nevertheless, but i won't bore you with those), forwarding a copy to the FSA - is this the best action to take, and do you think i have a good case? Many thanks, hyperlogic
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