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  1. Hi guys, awesome response, I wasnt expecting it to be that quick! This forum is obviously better than I hoped when I posted originally. So thanks alot. In regards to everything mentioned, it is not me myself that has the problem, its a housemate. I just found this site, thought it looked good and posted the problem. I will print out everything said and chat with them tomorrow and get back with more concrete answers to everything said below. In the mean time, we have sent Natwest a letter debating the charges validity, so it will also be interesting to see what they say back and that might help everyone even more with trying to establish exactly whats happened. Who knows, hopefully they will just admit it was their fault and cancel it...probably not. I have only ever had one bank charge from the halifax and I told them to cancel it or I would leave, and they did. This problem is much more complex though, obviously, hence we need your expert advice! Thanks again to everyones responses. Keep them coming and I will get back with more info on exactly what has happened. Cheers
  2. Hi guys, got a problem. I asked to open a student account with Natwest a few years back. Instead they opened a current account which had a 28 pound a month fee. When I found this out I went in to Natwest to close all my accounts. I then went across the road to HSBC to open a new account and thought that was the end of it. Last month I got a letter from Natwests debt collection agency saying I owed them over 800 pounds. When I asked for a statement I found out that the money I owe them is 2 years of me not using the account at all, 2 years of 28 pound/month charge, and 2 years of interest on the monthly charges they kept taking out. I never once made a payment myself out of the account and they never informed me about the account, untill now. How do I get the money back or get them to admit they should have informed me they hadnt closed it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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