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Everything posted by deejay81

  1. hi i believe it is related, my question is just another stage of dealing with lowell.I've been receiving letters from lowell asking for repayments of my debts to t-mobile and decided that i no longer want to have anything in common with them and simply sort that once and for all which in this case means to pay it off as the easiest option.I sent them my solution to the matter and now i got this letter in which they telling me to repay my debts but in the letter there is no specific sum of which i have to pay ,no specific date just the request to pay by cheque or postal order and standing order mandate form.My proposition was to pay 120 of 250 with monthly instalments of 30.I'm just wondering how am I going to know if they accepted this or not if there isn't even a word in the letter saying about that.thanks for your help
  2. Hi,I received a letter from Lowell financial regarding my debts.Tha actual letter relates to arranged payments but primo there is no date when do i have to pay and for how long,secundo they ask me to pay by cheque or postal order(why is that,can't I just transfer the money or pay straight into specific account) and tercio they attached standing order mandate.The most important thing is that i can't see any figures!!!IMy offer was to pay 120 from 250 and with monthly instalments of 30 pounds.What should i do now?Send them again letter with request to proof of agreement with all figures and dates?
  3. Hi there! I sent an S.A.R. with 10 pounds payment to T-mobile UK about 3 weeks ago and so far i haven't received any respons.I'm getting worry whether everything is ok or not.As far as I'm concerned they have 40 days to reply so there is still some time but on the other hand i would though that they would like to solve this matter as quick as possible because it's their money.Any suggestions?? thx
  4. Hi everyone! Hope that some will help me with this issue. I received a letter form Red Debt Collection services and i have no idea what to do??!!Can someone give my some tips how to deal with it. The letter states "reference no.XXXX Original creditor T mobile Balance outstanding 250.47 header Pre Litigation Department Our agent has failed to make contact with you(nobody have never ever try to contact me)and now as a requirement we must inform you that 7 days from the date of this letter(18/07 and i received the letter on the 23/07) we inted to instruct our Legal Department to review your account. This may involve commencing legal action against you applying to the Court for a Judgement to be registered against you.If this is successfully obtained from the Court,dependent on your circumstances we may then apply to the Court for an order to enforce the Judgement without further notice to you. If the court grants enforcement of the judgement we could look to 1.Instruct bailiff who may thene remove goods from your premises should the debt not be paid 2.Deduct via attachment of earnings directly form your employer 3.Obtain a charge against your property 4.Obtain payments directly from your bank account via third party debt order 5.Request your attendance at court for examination of your financial means ..." Then they ask to contact them by phone to resolve that matter. Please ,can anybody tell me what shall i do.I would be very grateful.THX
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