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  1. Hi, Like many others I stumbled across this website after suffering some problems with my newly purchased 307 SW. I bought the 53 plate car from a local independent dealer about 4 weeks ago. He noticed that the clutch was squeaking and said it was the flywheel and would replace it. When I came to pick up the car sure enough on the service sheet it said replace dual mass flywheel prior to collection. The problem I have is that there is apparent clutch judder when I reverse or pull away in first gear, this does not happen every time however. My question to other 307 owners is, is this normal? I'm not sure if I should take it back to the garage before the flywheel goes bang and I end up in a situation like some of the other guys on here! Also can anyone advise me of my rights with regards to returning the car to the garage? I only had an additional 1 months warranty included on the car, do I have the legal right to request a new flywheel etc? Many thanks for any help or assistance you can give.
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