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Posts posted by indistress

  1. Hi, don't even know if I've posted in the right group. Apologies if it's the wrong one.


    I own my own property and have a lodger who comes and goes as he has a girlfriend so maybe see him twice a week.

    Bailiff has visited today for him for an old council tax debt.

    My question is can he still gain entry to my property. 

    And how can I stop them from coming to my house.

  2. Hi 

    I have a DEA coming out of my wages.

    Started October pay. 


    This is for an overpayment of tax credits approx 8 years.

    Don't know exact figure would need to find the court papers.

    I owe approx 1£4k


    I was single at the time of claiming but unable to prove this now. 

    I thought this would go away.

    I stupidly buried my head into the sand. 


    I am on a good salary and they are taking a large proportion of my wage.

    Which I am finding a struggle with.

    I was short of my wages 500 last month as I'm also paying council tax. 


    My husband is currently out of work and I am in arrears with my mortgage and loan. 


    My question is

    am I able to request the dea to be reduced as in percentage taken out of my pay 

  3. what collateral do you have in the property?

    If it is worth substantially more than the debt you should be able to transfer your mortgage over to a proper lender and then pay it off as a normal repayment mortgage.


    How old are you?

    If you are under 50 most of the big banks will be happy enough to lend to you but many smaller lenders wont want to offer you a good deal with a poor credit record.


    Also, is property freehold or leasehold?

    If the latter how long left on the lease?

    makes a difference to their attitude as well.


    I'm 41.

    Now your talking mortgage terms, I don't understand. I was. Blindly signed into the mortgage I didn't know at the time of. Signing what I was signing. Mortgage advisor was useless.

    I live in a bisf property which is very hard to get a mortgage for and at the time it was preferred mortgages. In which I get annual statements from them. But my payments have been made via acenden

    I'm probably better off going to a trusted mortgage advisor.

  4. They will now try to charge you for the field agent's visit and they are supposed to let you know that they are sending one - they can't just turn up unannounced. As you are up to date with your agreement you don't need a visit and you need to write to them advising that you did not ask for the visit, nor did you need it, so you don't expect to be charged for it. Also point out that your agreement is up to date.


    I did get a letter telling me an agent will be out. But thought nothing of it as I am upto date with my payments. Do I call the agent or send a letter to acenden.

    Can you help me with a letter. I know your are good with your words ell-en

  5. Hi. My parents separated and my mam stayed in the house.

    She lives in a 3 bedroom house. My sister did live with her but has since moved out. When my sister lived there the council needed to know how much her wages were and my mam needed to pay £60 rent as my sister lived at home. My sister has since moved out and my mam now pays bedroom tax. My mam also claims full HB

  6. Hi all. Yes I am having problems.


    I have had a field agent from excel to my house. Buy have missed him as I have been at work.

    They've asked me to ring them about my payments to acenden.

    I come to an agreement with acenden to pay an extra £75.00 per month on my arrears and they accepted. I did receive a letter to say that a field agent was coming out. But never thought anything of it. As I have been paying them every month since April.

    There was one month I did miss but I the missed payment the month after. And I did inform them of this via online enquiry form.

    I need to ring the field agent today before he passes back to acenden and they decide to take it to court.


    I'm just after a bit of advice please. Thanks

  7. You don't need an N244 that is only for eviction situations. The court will have sent you an N11 M defence form? You can fill it in you want but it's a pointless exercise if the lender has already written to you to say they have accepted your offer. I would suggest taking a statement to the court next week stating that you have come to an arrangement with the lender and therefore a hearing is a waste of the court's time.



    Have you rung the lender to see if they have cancelled ? best to do that - you might not have to worry about attending a hearing.............


    I'm at work at the moment. I will ring tomorrow

  8. Hi, as this is a repossession hearing not an eviction hearing, you just need to hand in a statement together with a copy of the letter accepting your offer. If you need help with the statement let me know.



    Might be worth ringing the lender to see if they have cancelled ?



    I went on page 13 and copied that statement. I was going to adjust some words.

    I got a form from the courts in the post. Telling me to fill it in and not ignore it. Do I fill this in also.


    How much is the n244 form to he handed into court. I can't find the costs

  9. for history

    all your associated threads have been merged....



    how many more times are these wolves going to try this!!



    how did you get on with the reclaiming of fees and arrears fees?


    Thank you dx. Didn't have a clue where my old threads were. I didn't proceed it and I actually got a letter from them telling me they owed me money but took it off my arrears

  10. Hi.


    I received a letter from acenden and their solicitors

    instructing me that there is a court hearing for a repossession for 17th May.

    Letter was dated 15th April.



    I did make an offer of a monthly payment arrangement and it is to start 1st May.

    They sent a letter accepting the offer dated 19th April.


    Does this mean I don't need to go to court as they have accepted the offer.


    I know I'm a bit late in asking for help.

    But there has been an bereavement in the family, which was a close relative.


    I appreciate any advice. Thank you

  11. I have recieved a letter from Equita Debt Collecting Agency for my Tax Credits Overpayment.

    This is debt for over payment of £14390.


    My tax credits was stopped as I was unable to prove my ex partner did not live with me, he still does not live with me.

    But does contribute towards my bills, as I now only have my wage coming in weekly.


    Has anyone ever dealt with Equita before?

    I know I am unable to afford to pay the full amount back.

    But I cant afford to pay hundreds a month back either.

    How long will I have to pay this back?

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