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  1. I know how u feel , i will never trust Royal mail again , i know it was stupid of me now , but i sent £50 recorded delivery with birthday card. when it arrived my sister noticed a big slit in the letter and told the mail man before he left , he noted this down , money was gone ..... but still to this day i never got my money back , i gave up in the end as i was sick of the excuses. Im glad you got your money back and good on you for not backing down , obviously they hope people will.
  2. Hi thanks for the replies , i spoke to Experian who say if the Company says to them that the information is correct then they cant do anything So does this mean any company can just place a default of you account without your permission? I have nothing but threats from this company from the start & now they tell me they will not remove default even though its not a credit account , they said pay up or it stays
  3. This is regarding a gambling site , they claimed months ago they made an over payment of £95 to my card by mistake....i was not aware of this over payment due to it being sometime ago plus i wouldnt of noticed an extra £95 even if it had been over paid by mistake. They also said i made £250 chargebacks though my card which i need to payback otherwise they will default me for the whole lot. I had used the site in the past but the charges i made my card company invesigate were ones i knew i didnt make ...hence i did a charge back. Ive never done a charge back before so when i do one i only do it if i know i have not made the transaction , ive spent i belive in excess of £1000 on there site so why would i only dispute £250 , its hardly a big amount and one i wouldnt dispute if i wasnt sure i didnt make them. Well they defaulted me and refuse to remove the default of my credit file They agreed to me that its not a credit account and this its a payment issue....... but they refuse to remove default , its showing on my credit file as BANK, its not a bank its a gambling site. Im so angry cause my score was well over 900 and this has effected my credit score really badly. I asked them to provide my so call signed credit agreement , all they provide was a filled in online apllication for a non credit account. They do not have my signature and they admit its not a credit account. Is there anything i can do about this? Surely they cant default me for there mistake and an amount i disputed , surely its between them and my card company??? They said they would remove the £345 back which im tempted to do even though i feel bullied into as i know i didnt even owe this
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