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Posts posted by maejic

  1. Hello People,


    Well i finally received a offer, after waiting on tenterhooks in the interim since they asked me for a full breakdown of money owed.


    Why do the really wait till just before litigation to pay up the money?


    It just costs them more surely.


    The 8% interest we can add, for entering court documents. The £120 that it costs us for the moneyclaim and what about the fee's DG Solicitors must be charging them???


    They must have seen this site and forum by now, and the advise given to us disgruntled customers of HSBC.


    It would be easier just to settle up when they receive the LBA.


    Just a thought, but hey-ho its an extra £800 to me, from the 8%:cool:



    Should i cross out the line, in DG's offer letter, about confidentiality?


    I have also noticed on the forum, that people seem to wait a long time between signing the settlement offer and actually receiving the money! how can i get around that?


    Cheers and happy litigation!

  2. hello again,


    Thanks louise for the quote from hitchhikers guide "DONT PANIC", it really calmed my nerves.


    Anyhow, well the status of my claim is still at "issued" and the notice was served to them on the 12th august, so yesterday was the 14th day. Although when i tried to claim by default today it showed me a message saying the bank still had 14 days to respond, maybe its because it sunday or something?


    The next question is can i claim back the interest which i missed off my original claim?


    i work that out to be about £790 on top of the £2572. £3372 which is a tidy little sum.I trawl through the forums to see if i can find anything of any relevence to me.



    So everthing upto the mcol was going fine, but i think(know) i have filled in my claim form incorrectly dohhh. i didnt even put my account number on the form....idiot my claim was issued on the 12th august, 14 days ago but still no corrospondence or acknowledgement from HSBC. i am now more than a little fretful, are they not taking me seriously because i didnt fill in my form correctly?????


    ok so here is what i put on my form.......


    I have a contract with the defendant bank dated 1994 and which is conducted on their standard terms and conditions. I am claiming the return of money taken by the defendant in the way of charges over the last 6 years plus the interest they have levied on those charges. The bank's charges are a disproportionate penalty and therefore unenforceable as they are contrary to common law. Further, as a disproportionate penalty they are invalid under the Unfair (Contracts) Terms Act 1977 s.4 and under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Para.8 and sch.2(1)(e). In the event that the charges are not a penalty then they are unreasonable within the meaning of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 s.15. The claimant claims interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from May 2000 to August 2006 of £2572.29 and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment at a daily rate of 8%.



    I even screwed up the amount to be claimed, with a final claim figure of 2572.29 + 120 fees = 2692.29 claim.


    i such an idiot, i really dont know what i was thinking.


    ok panic over, what can i do to rectify this mess? help is needed

  4. Hello Everyone,


    I feel it time to ask a little advice!


    So far i have sent data protection request letter on the 12/5/06, it took them 3 week to reply; but then only a few days to send out my bank statements. Low and behold the cheeky beggers had only pilfered £2441.50 plus interest, totalling £2579.29 out of my account over the last 6 years and no doubt, a bit more before this time. Well needless to say i sent off my request for repayment with charges breakdown, dated 20/06/06. Well finally today, i got a reply to my request for repayment; from a Mr Colin Langdale, who i might add seems to pop up quite a lot on this forum. In between this time i gave them the standard 14 days to rply, then sent my LBA dated 4/7/06.

    Anyways the response from Colin langdale was as follows....


    "The bank does not agree with your contention that the charges have been imposed constitute a penalty and are therefore unenforceable. The contract between the bank and its customers is governed by our personal banking terms and conditions. In respect of overdrafts, i would refer you specifically to clause 7.11 in section 2. If you authorise a payment that would, if meet by us, lead your account going overdrawn or over an agreed limit the bank considers whether or not to make this payment and a fee is payable for this service.

    Our fees and charges are clearly stated in our pricelist and the circumstances in which these charges will apply are clearly set out in our terms and conditions which you will have been provided with when you opened your account.

    Whilst i accept that this letter will not provide the response that you hoped for, i trust i have been able to clarify the banks position. If you are not satisfied with the banks response you should now refer your complaint to the financial ombudsman service, as this represents our final response on this matter."


    Now is this a standard letter, some sort of bluffing/time wasting technique on their part, which i should ignore and stick to my guns and fill in my moneyclaim form, or should i be worried???:confused:


    Has anyone else received a similar letter? any advise would be gratefully received.



    master of disaster.:lol:

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