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  1. Thanks for that SAR on its way today. I live in Spain now and the post system here is somtimes non existant do you think I can do it by email
  2. Thanks for that, Yes it is less than six years ago, My worry was that by having agreed a negotiated settlement that I may have excluded myself from this process. Bill
  3. vicaragefarm

    Mbna And Ppi

    Hi All Basically looking for some advice guidance. When I applied for my MBNA credit card I also took out PPI as I was self employed and wanted protection in case of illness etc. Any way sure enough I had an accident which crushed three disc's in my back and after many years of treatment has left me severely restricted in what I can do. Anyway as I was in hospital for a time my wife made a claim on my behalf with MBNA under the PPI, unfortunately this took some time to be put in place and interest and non payment fees of the minimum amount were added to my account. when the payments from the PPI started an adjustment was made for the non payed fees but not the interest. Now when the PPI payments started I noticed that I was still paying for the protection which was being deducted from the payment to the card company at a rate calculated as a percentage of the dept owed on the account,the remainder was then paid to cover the minimum payment due to the account. But of course it didn't as having calculated my minimum payment they then deducted the PPI amount and then payed the remainder into the account, which meant my minimum payment required was not being met and interest and charges were levied on the account. To be honest it took me sometime to notice as being hospitalized and then subject to years of treatment and constant bed rest, I really didn't check on things as I assumed my payments were being taken care of by the PPI. When I did finally notice I found to my horror that instead of my monthly debt reducing or even staying put it was actually rising and substantially so, As the debt rose so did the PPI payment and even less reached the card company as a minimum payment. Eventually I contacted MBNA who put me through to the PPI department, I discussed this problem with someone who identified the problem as "still paying for the PPI" I argued that as I was in claim and so for quite a period why should I still have to pay the protection fees after all I was in claim ? The person who was advising me appeared to accept this argument and asked if I wanted to stop the payments. As I felt the argument had been accepted I canceled any further PPI cover payments. I then was informed by letter that as I had canceled my PPI cover I was no longer covered and no payments for the minimum amount would be paid as a result further interest and charges would be applied. I contacted MBNA who again passed me to the PPI department, I recanted my conversations with the representative and the argument with the advice given but was told there was no record of these conversations. I asked that they reinstate my PPI cover whilst this was investigated but this was refused as I was not in work and therefore not insurable. I hope this doesn't come across as rambling. Any way the debt increased with associated charges and interest, I again contacted MBNA telling them of my plight and negotiated no further interest charges on the account as long as I paid a monthly minimum amount of £50, I tried to argue that this amount was to high as I was only receiving incapacity benefit and had other debts to pay, they refused to lower this payment. As I could not afford this amount I only sent them £25 with a letter explaining, they then reinstated the interest charges as I was in default of the agreement. So again the balance of the account continued to raise with interest and charges. Eventually because of this and other debts I had to sell our bungalow and with the money from the sale paid of my debts including a negotiated settlement with MBNA. Now after this long winded story my question is do any of your forum readers and contributors think that I would be able to recover any of the money paid to MBNA and its associated PPI company considering that I did make a negotiated reduced payment for the amount owed. The original debt when I went into claim was £1500 approx and ended up around £9000 with a negotiated payment of £4500. Best regards Bill
  4. This not really anything to do with parking tickets but gives me great pleasure in getting on over on the dicks. I was in a supermarket car park one Xmas and had spent a good couple of hours in various shops on the site. As we left and approached the barrier we noticed a hand written sighn on a blackboard saying parking was for one hour only anything over this would be charged at £15 per hour. I argued that this sighn should have been placed on the way in to the car park and not on the way out, but was met with the response payup. I refused and drove around the barrier. By the time I got to my home a police car was sat outside waiting for me and a very burly police man told me that I had to return with him and pay the ticket. I asked him what criminel offence had been commited, he refused to answer and told me to get in his car and return with him. I asked him to clarify if it was a criminal offence or a civil matter, he got on the radio was told it was a civil matter got in his car and left. up yours ASDA
  5. Hi All Basically looking for some advice guidance. When I applied for my MBNA credit card I also took out PPI as I was self employed and wanted protection in case of illness etc. Any way sure enough I had an accident which crushed three disc's in my back and after many years of treatment has left me severely restricted in what I can do. Anyway as I was in hospital for a time my wife made a claim on my behalf with MBNA under the PPI, unfortunately this took some time to be put in place and interest and non payment fees of the minimum amount were added to my account. when the payments from the PPI started an adjustment was made for the non payed fees but not the interest. Now when the PPI payments started I noticed that I was still paying for the protection which was being deducted from the payment to the card company at a rate calculated as a percentage of the dept owed on the account,the remainder was then paid to cover the minimum payment due to the account. But of course it didn't as having calculated my minimum payment they then deducted the PPI amount and then payed the remainder into the account, which meant my minimum payment required was not being met and interest and charges were levied on the account. To be honest it took me sometime to notice as being hospitalized and then subject to years of treatment and constant bed rest, I really didn't check on things as I assumed my payments were being taken care of by the PPI. When I did finally notice I found to my horror that instead of my monthly debt reducing or even staying put it was actually rising and substantially so, As the debt rose so did the PPI payment and even less reached the card company as a minimum payment. Eventually I contacted MBNA who put me through to the PPI department, I discussed this problem with someone who identified the problem as "still paying for the PPI" I argued that as I was in claim and so for quite a period why should I still have to pay the protection fees after all I was in claim ? The person who was advising me appeared to accept this argument and asked if I wanted to stop the payments. As I felt the argument had been accepted I canceled any further PPI cover payments. I then was informed by letter that as I had canceled my PPI cover I was no longer covered and no payments for the minimum amount would be paid as a result further interest and charges would be applied. I contacted MBNA who again passed me to the PPI department, I recanted my conversations with the representative and the argument with the advice given but was told there was no record of these conversations. I asked that they reinstate my PPI cover whilst this was investigated but this was refused as I was not in work and therefore not insurable. I hope this doesn't come across as rambling. Any way the debt increased with associated charges and interest, I again contacted MBNA telling them of my plight and negotiated no further interest charges on the account as long as I paid a monthly minimum amount of £50, I tried to argue that this amount was to high as I was only receiving incapacity benefit and had other debts to pay, they refused to lower this payment. As I could not afford this amount I only sent them £25 with a letter explaining, they then reinstated the interest charges as I was in default of the agreement. So again the balance of the account continued to raise with interest and charges. Eventually because of this and other debts I had to sell our bungalow and with the money from the sale paid of my debts including a negotiated settlement with MBNA. Now after this long winded story my question is do any of your forum readers and contributors think that I would be able to recover any of the money paid to MBNA and its associated PPI company considering that I did make a negotiated reduced payment for the amount owed. The original debt when I went into claim was £1500 approx and ended up around £9000 with a negotiated payment of £4500. Best regards Bill
  6. Hi Dolly In one of your reply's you said "if you claim online tonight, etc". As I now live in Spain and the postel service out here is defunct, I have tried to "claim online" with nationwide and whilst the copys of my e-mails still remain in my online banking mail box, I have recieved no replys or aknowledgements from the nationwide.
  7. Hi Dolly In one of your reply's you said "if you claim online tonight, etc". As I now live in Spain and the postel service out here is defunct, I have tried to "claim online" with nationwide and whilst the copys of my e-mails still remain in my online banking mail box, I have recieved no replys or aknowledgements from the nationwide.
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