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Everything posted by o8aimee8o

  1. Im also having problems with them. I signed up for a years membership in january and then unexpectedly moved in march, i was told that i could cancel if i paid £25 and sent them a bank statement as proof of my new address being over 10-15 miles away from the gym. I did just this and yet they are still trying to take money out of my bank account. I havent used the gym since march, sent the proof of address and the fee on 5th April and saw on 23rd april that they still had the direct debit set up. There is no way i was paying another £25 for something i'm not using and in my eyes have cancelled. So i deleted the direct debit. I haven't had any word from them at all but once again, when checking my bank account two weeks later they'd set another direct debit up for £30.50 .. so they've obviously added charges. Once again deleted it, and just checked now.. they've set it up for £60. I'm going to get in contact with them, about this as i have not had any letters or anything from them at all. My assumption is that its got lost in the post, or they've lost it somewhere but they do have my phone number and my email address as well as my postal address so why not contact me on that?
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