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  1. can u help...I owed council tax to Bolton council for my previous address one for £700(which is on attatchment of earnings) and one for £260 which is with Jacobs. I paid religiously to them £5 pw by standing order and they left me alone. I was told by somebody at bolton council that I still owed £23.61 and that this would be added to my attatchment so stopped the S.O. I now have the bailiffs at my new address(Bolton council passed it to them.) originally saying I still owed £23.61. I rang and advised what the council said they said they would look into this and get back to me. nobody did. that was in Feb. I thought as I hadn't heard thay had spoken to the council. I then had a bailiff at my door last Friday and he put a notice through the door advising I now owe £73.61. I rang the bailiff who said he would look into this on monday and would call to see me. On wednesday I was in the lounge and saw a man run upto my door post something then run to his van. Its was another letter saying I owe them £123.61 for attempts to collect goods. I rang and advised that he did not knock on door and that the delay in pymt was the fault of the council and themselves. He said basically I had to pay as they would still keep coming and adding further charges. He advised that if he had to call again he would take my little girls trampoline from the back garden. The side gate has a lock on. can he gain entry? also if I pay the £23.61 to the council can they still chase me? The attatchments of earnings are coming from my wages at £150 pm andI'm also paying £90 a month on this years. I can't afford this!!
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