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Posts posted by mojo8

  1. Hi ,

    I was hoping somebody may be able to give me some advice.



    i received a ccj in 2015 regarding overpayment from my last employer.

    I had a letter put through my door last night stating that court balifs would apply to the courts to force entry into my home.

    Is this something they can do for a ccj as I didn't think they could do this.



    The ccj is for £600 but 250 of that is charges.

    I can't afford to pay that in 1 go but will pay monthly but I have never been given that option.



    I will call the balif back with a payment offer of £100 per month

    but I could do with knowing my rights first ( in terms of them forcing entry)before I make the call.



    I have downloaded a n245 form today, do I mention this to them.


    Thankyou for any help offered

  2. Hi, I'm hoping someone may be able give me some advice.


    My partner parked her car in town a while back and was apparently recorded via a camera as parking over the lapsed time.



    We received a parking fine which we did not pay because we could not quite understand the ticket as we did not think that we were in town that day,



    after several communications we finally had a visit by a balif who placed a levy on our car but we had some time to pay the fine while the baliffs office confirmed the ownership.



    The levy was placed for a cost of the fine and the baliffs charges.

    We paid the fine over the Internet directly to the council and left the balifs charges as we thought they were ridiculous.


    We had a visit on monday evening from a ballif who blocked our car in the drive and demanded the remainder of the fine,



    I pointed out to him that the fine had Been paid and it was their charges that were still outstanding and for this visit they were adding another £228.

    I told him to take the car as its value is less than the fine.


    After a while he knocked on the door and asked for the v5,

    I told him that I didn't have one but was happy to give him the key.



    He went back to his van and about ten mins later knocked on the door again saying that he could not take the vehicle without the v5.


    He went back to his van and again, came back to the door and said that he could not get a pick up truck that evening so would put a clamp on the car.


    He went back to his van and ten mins after knocked on the door and said that he would give me until 10.00am the next day to call him to pay the fine and if I didn't he would get one back and drag the car off the drive without the keys.



    I moved the car down the close as we needed access to the garage and there was no space to park right outside the house and called him next day to say " come and get the car that evening".



    After the call he was at my house within ten mins,

    I received a voicemail to say that he was calling the police as the car was not there.



    I sent him another message to say come and get the car but he has now failed to come back...

    ....is this now an abandoned levy and if so what rights do I have.


  3. made me laugh on friday after i spoke to one of there monkeys. I had a bit of a disagreement over my SAR not being sent and i asked this person what is happening with welcome, the answer was that they are being bought out and re-structured, that they are being kept in the know and that all the talk of cattles being in debt is nonsense. I just wanted to laugh and say to this person that i probrably wont be speaking to them again as they will more than likely be out of work very soon...they just think we are all as daft and stupid as they are....i probrably didnt say it out of pity as she sounded so thick...

  4. A friend of mine recently had a car accident and has been advised the car is a complete write off. The insurance policy is in her name, and her partner, who she lives with is a named driver. Her partner purchased the vehicle for her on finance and so is the registered owner, and at the time his details were down as being the registered keeper. She was under the impression that he had sent the V5 to DVLA to put her down as the registered keeper, as she is down as that on the insurance policy. Yet it would now seem no documents have come back from DVLA to state she is. Though when she rang her insurance to advise them of the accident she informed them that her partner was the registered keeper and nothing was said. Phone call I think was being recorded by the insurance company. It also would now seem that her partner cannot find the MOT certificate that came with the vehicle, although must have had this recently as the car was taxed up to the end of Oct 09. She is now concerned how this will affect the claim, as the insurance company have requested said documents.

  5. Omg can not believe the size of this thread! just read over 300 pages.


    Found this post of great interest, we got HP loan with welcome for around £3000 to purchase a £11000 meaning we put down £8000 in cash. They basically forced hubby to take gap saying no gap no loan.



    There are two forms of Gap

    1. VRIP...this is a policy designed to put you back to square on so if the vehicle is an insurance loss the underwriter will give you what the insurance doesnt give you ...ie....bought a car for 11000 and its written off and the insurance pay out £7000..the policy will refund to you £4000, this puts you back at square one.

    2. Finance Gap.. this pays off the outstanding amount of finance at the point the car is a loss.


    If you have put down an £8000 deposit and borrowed £3000 and they have sold you the Gap policy then you have every right to go to the FSA as you have clearly been mis-sold a policy.


    Whatever you would get back from the insurance company would clearly cover the oustanding balance on you finance so Gap would not be required....the policy that they should have offered if it was available to them should have been VRIP because as it stands at the moment..if your car is a loss then once you have paid off the finance with your insurance payout, all you will have its what is left.... you have been well stung here..

  6. Most if not all garages say they will carry out a pre sales inspection consisting of so many points. If they are a reputable dealer and value your custom then all of the points you have raised should have been checked but after having the vehicle for 12 months, you may find it hard to prove that the checks were not carried out and the issues you have are down to pure wear and tear. At the point of sale were you shown the service book or told when the last service was carried out. If the dealesrhip is regulated by the FSA they must discusses the warranty with you and they must go through "needs and demands", this is a form of questionair to determine what you may require in the form of insurances and included in this is the warranty, this is done to prove that you understand the warranty situation and that when you take the vehicle you actually know for a fact that you have cover or not, either main dealer or whatever third party warranty they use, it must then be stored by a recordable medium, usually a paper record or computer based and you should also have been given a copy. My first port of call would be the dealership to go over your concerns, if they are unhelpfull then i would get in touch with the FSA and explain the situation and get them involved. I dont think you have been mis-sold a car but have been badly advised about the warranty.

  7. what i would like to know is how this short fall extra insurance differs from the normal gap policy


    beside the price


    shortfall is another name for gap



    any comments on this welcome con


    shortfall is just another name for Gap as it just clears the outstanding finance in the event of a total loss of your vehicle....looks like a high premium was paid for it, £350 and they cant even get it on the correct vehicle..... i would get my money back as they cant say that "you have enjoyed the benefit of the cover" because if you tried to make a claim then it would not be on their system so in effect have been paying for an invalid policy, i cant belive the warranty was £650 and only covers up to £1000......

  8. Today whilst at my desk i recieved a call from one of the girls in our main office with a call to put through to me.



    She said he asked for me using my full name (First, middle and last) and that he was calling from Wescot.



    She put him through and an awfully rude chap asked me to confirm my name,

    i told him NO twice and

    he said "right we will write to you then" and hung up.

    Now if i had been with a customer that could have been very embarrassing.



    About an hour later the girl who took the call came through and told me she had googled wescot and it came back as a debt coollection company,



    i knew this but was slightly embarrassed that she said this to me.

    NOw wescott have my home phone number and know my address

    so do they have the right to call me at work

    and what do i need to do to stop this happening again....thanks in advance

  9. This morning, while in town, I received a call from Welcome. Actually, I missed the call, but they left a voicemail, asking me to contact a John (surname was mumbled) at the local office. By coincidence, I was literally stood outside the local office, so thought I'd call in and speak to this John. Asked at reception for him, to be told no one of that name works there, at least with the name John. So I mentioned about the message, but apparently I must be mistaken. Shame really, I was looking forward to asking him some awkward questions, but hey ho.



    Could be one of the muppets from head office saying that he is calling from the local branch....

  10. I sent a CCA request to them in March regarding an IF account. At the end of April I received a thick envelope from IF with loads of statements in it, but there was not a copy of any agreement.


    I send a subsequent letter to RWC to this affect stating that as they, nor the original creditor, had sent a copy of the agreement the account went into default on 30th March 2009.


    Today I've received another letter from RWC, copy attached, stating they they may produce a document representing the terms and conditions of any loan and not the original or a copy of the signed loan agreement. Included with the letter today was the same set of statements sent previously, now with a copy of the conditions dated 2003.


    That is not my understanding from reading posts on here and would appreciate any advice on what to send them next.


    Thanks in advance.



    You have requested a copy of the agreement so untill that arrives,( no matter what else these clowns may say), just file the letters and wait for the agreement to come. They cannot legaly enforce the debt without it and if they call just hang up..

  11. hmmm i have never received anything from welcome apart from when i stopped paying them...im sure at some point welcome stated in pperwork that due to changes in there clauses they will now be issuing statements..and im sure that was only recently...



    its quite right no statement and no enforcement and that goes for defaults also.

  12. Hi All,


    I've been following this thread with interest - and wasn't aware of the situation with Cattles. I too have a loan with Welcome which is currently 1 month behind (this is due to be cleared next month). An interesting tactic I have not seen before was a text message I received from my local branch a couple of days ago reading:


    "Alright Nibby sorry with lack of response, 3 cut off my contract and took me ages to sort it out. It's Jay"


    I was quite annoyed by that - trying to pretend that he's a long lost friend wanting to get in touch!


    I see a couple of people have been offered significantly reduced settlement figures - did you phone up and ask about this (head office or local branch) or was it offered to you?


    Thanks for everyones input





    another tactic is to ring and in a really cheery way ask for someone by there first name......assuming you think its a friend you put them on the phone....but i always ask who they are and where there from and usually hang up...love it

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